Eye In The Sky

moonperspectiveeclipsetomorrow afternoon the moon’s shadow is crossing over america, and throwing a portion of it into total darkness. a lot of curious people (including me) are going to drive to a spot where they can experience that phenomenon. pat rawlings, however, thought beyond the planet, and imagined what the eclipse would look like from the moon almost 30 years ago. the atlantic posted his illustration on their website yesterday,

Ferg On Enduro

justendurothere is an atari 2600 podcast that i go to for the inside scoop on my favorite retro gaming console– although jenny says that my “inside scoops” are actually “useless details.” oh well. wednesday the host (ferg) posted a show on enduro! this game has improved my driving skills over the years, and it has also helped me get a good night’s sleep.

Arthur Brown’s Fire

arthurbrownthe first time i heard fire by arthur brown, it was the mid 80′s & i was tuning into classic rock via KCFX. i imagined some crazy eyed costumed singer when the song started, and it turns out i was right. he used to wear a fire helmet and a devil’s head over his crotch… sometimes he even performed naked. arthur brown recorded his #1 song in 1968, and even though the radio doesn’t play it anymore, that hasn’t slowed down the god of hellfire. brown, now in his 70′s, still makes fiery psychedelic scenes. he just released live at high voltage last year.

Couch Confessions

midsentencedso i was watching dr. katz again (i know, i know) and one of his patients said that he liked talking to strangers in mid sentences when he was really bored. and i thought– “wait a minute, i used to know a guy like this!” there used to be a guy who came into homer’s daily and do this sort of thing. he needed therapy too.

Art Imitates Life Again

wokkawokkabreadi can never stop playing with food. this is what happened after jenny cut a slice of bread from a round loaf. the ironic thing is that those pacman pellets are actually game tokens from an arcade. i did this sort of thing once before on st. patrick’s day last year.

Emails From Pedro

vote-pedrolast night i was with chris mull on the boulevard and in the west bottoms. we talked to classic car owners in merriam & smoked cigars within sight of fire jugglers under the 12th street bridge. we were catching up when he told me about an email exchange between him and a counselor at his son’s high school. ian was the youngest, and he graduated in may. there are no more mull kids going to shawnee mission north high, but the high school counselor still reached out to chris. here is an abridged version of the emails that were sent:

PEDRO: My name is Pedro Miller and I will be serving as your school counselor for this school year… High School is a new professional area for me and I am truly excited to assist you as you navigate your high school experience and beyond. Please take a look at the notes I have listed below and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

CHRIS: Dear Pedro, I currently have no plans for more offspring now that I’m in my 50′s. Even if I did you would probably be a chain-smoking alcoholic by the time they were old enough for SMN. May you break the long held and entrenched tradition of school counselors that are clueless regarding those students they are there to “counsel”. As much as I appreciate the updates on SMN life I feel it would be selfish of me to expect them as I fear it would take away precious moments that could be better applied to your bright, young charges. I sincerely wish you a cognizant, coherent and productive career.
All the best.
SMN Alumn
P.S. If you ever run for anything you can count on my vote. I already have the t-shirt.

PEDRO: Mrs. Mull, Your email brought on a good laugh. Thank you for the good wishes, you support towards a possible political career ?, and know that I too look forward to doing anything that I can to serve all students the best way possible. Have a great day and thank you once again for the good wishes!


makujenny & i drove 400 miles last weekend to see our new great nephew, maku! i told daddy thaddeus that he could break wind or belch in public now & blame the sounds & smells on his new son! mama maryam thought that was pretty funny. the kid was barely a month old when we had to say goodbye (sniff!) we can’t wait to see you again maku!

Life Sized And Tiny

lifelefttinyrighti exercised my right to vote tuesday in the local primary elections. one of the choices was super easy. rob guy’s mom, laura, is running for a local board of education seat. rob used to work w/me at homer’s & we’re still friends. the voting booths were inside the new johnson county museum. after voting casting my ballot, i checked out the sights. the original white haven sign was right across the hall from a small (but detailed) replica of the old motor lodge. there were also pieces of metcalf south mall, glenwood theater, and a panoramic photo of my neighborhood circa 1911.

Decade Of Division

don'talwayslovethe80seric john put this meme on my facebook wall sunday. he said it reminded him of me. yesterday it picked up some negative comments from another friend. we’ll call him CV. he’s a few years older than me & doesn’t miss music from the 80′s. when CV posted his comments, i replied with lyrics from the actual band he was criticizing. you can read below to see what he said, and how i responded.

CV: The Eighties were The Musical Dark Ages. Exhibit A: Culture Club
me: do you really want to hurt me?

CV: The only good music from the eighties was Yes, U2… wait, those are Seventies bands.
me: wow! i guess you really want to make me cry.

Spaceship Zulu

TRIPLEzuluwhen channel 5 came to salon kitch to do a story on beep goes the weasel, i couldn’t have been happier about the artwork hanging on the walls. the images were created by spaceship zulu aka brew lamb. looney tunes were NEVER this looney when i was a kid!