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Summer Snapshot 2024

THEPOWERBROKERDave is currently
reading: The Power Broker
eating: sausages and potatoes on Tuesday nights
listening to: Sleep Baseball after 9pm
working: as a patient service representative in the urology clinic
(see updated photo in the “About” tab)

Free To Be Weird

flag superimposed on HSTThe fourth episode of Audio Flare Gun went live a few minutes ago.  I had a small window to declare my independence while Jenny took a nap.  It was the perfect opportunity to record four songs for the fourth show on the Fourth of July.  Huh… it feels cooler now than it did in high school to write a “theme.”  Although this one doesn’t have to be 175 words and graded by a teacher who would rather be taking a nap.

A Hazy Shade of Summer

NOAA WEATHER MAPMy nostalgia kicked in when I pulled this image up from the National Weather Service.  The only thing missing is a weather man in a plaid suit moving those H’s and L’s around with his bare hands.  Years ago, Tim Andersen told me about the stripped-down retro look of this particular website.  I will always be grateful.

Balance Test

Today the world. Tomorrow a paper route.

Hey Diddle Diddle…

flying cowIt was a good night for a walk.  It was a BETTER night for gelato!  We walked around the neighborhood last night and found The Flying Cow– that’s when we went over the moon!  I had a Key Lime gelato and Jenny had Pistacchio.  Mine was so good I went back for Toasted Coconut… that’s when my double chin started to grow back.  This place also reminds me of the baby blanket that Mom made me where the dish ran away with the spoon.

The Swamp in Topeka

TOPEKA SWAMPIt looks just like it did on TV, right down to the dart board on the door.  I found out yesterday that there is a replica of The Swamp from M*A*S*H in Topeka!  The next time I’m in Topeka, I’m putting on my cowboy hat & bathrobe so I can feel at home at the Museum of the Kansas National Guard.  Until then I’ll just have to take a virtual tour while I sip some gin at home.  Big thanks to Jeff & Ryan, the hosts of MASH Matters for including this in their latest podcast!

Banjo in the Cosmos

space_banjoIn space no one can you hear you pluck… but if you’re lucky there’s an illustrator with a full color palette who will capture the cool weirdness of it all.  While surfing YouTube videos, this image of a twangy astronaut and the description of “Haunting Space Banjo” pulled me in another direction.  Timbr Zeal is an artist I can sink my ears into.

The Biggest Win

WIN BY A GAMMONSweep, Blow-out, Walkaway… GAMMON!  The last term is used when someone wins a game of Backgammon by “bearing off” all of their pieces, utterly defeating the opponent who has not been able to remove a single piece.  If you achieve this type of victory, you can hold your head up high and say “I won by a GAMMON!”  Don’t be surprised if you get quizzical looks, though.  I’m not sure the phrase ever really caught on.

Nature’s Newest Little Joke

It catches food with it’s own snot, it’s swollen in the middle, and it’s name sounds like an insult… ladies & gentlemen meet THE PIG BUTT WORM!

Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Globe

ECO_ELOf course he’s wearing a green jumpsuit– He’s Eco Elvis! The man who would be king is an impersonator on a mission to save the earth. Matt Riggs is an “edutainer” that changed the lyrics to Elvis’ hits to make them eco-friendly, and he “Can’t Help Recycling It All” for you.  A big Elvis “Thank ya very much” to Chris Mull for snapping this photo!