There Is A Balm

tvwatchThere is a Balm in Gilead is a comforting old hymn that Jenny and I will sing when we need to hear the words. Our coffeehouse kids, in the same way, can make the tough times easier just by being in the same room. Katelyn loves spending time with Jenny. In the pic above they are watching a Mickey Mouse cartoon. In the one below we are saying goodbye at her birthday party. She turned 3 the next day.birthdaybye

Daylene Visits The Epilogue Cabin

oklahomabiggerToday’s guest on THE EPILOGUE CABIN moved to Oklahoma sometime after high school. It’s been 25 years since I’ve seen Daylene. We used to ride the bus to school together and rehearse for the school plays. We got caught up recently, and talked for an hour about old times and how our lives turned out.

Love… Exciting And New!

tedlangeBack in the 1980′s, when I watched TV on the weekends, there was no one cooler on The Love Boat than Isaac Washington, the bartender played by Ted Lange. Whitney Matheson actually made this cool bad drawing that you see above. She is a pop culture junkie who used to write for USA Today. The newspaper let her go, but she still writes about the coolest books, movies, bands, etc., and emails her findings to people like me. Two weeks ago she included audio from The Love Boat, and promised listeners a bad drawing of Ted Lange if anyone mentioned it in a reply email. So I did. And then she did. Here it is!

Keep It Tuned To…

lesandjohnnythis blog to hear the the next episode of THE EPILOGUE CABIN! It’s a new podcast that will grab you, keep you in suspense, and leave you breathless!!! The next show features a conversation with Daylene! here’s a sample of what you’ll hear:

Connecting Dots Without Numbers

manzoorTWEETWhen Sarfraz Manzoor replied to my tweet a few days ago, I was overjoyed. He wrote a book that inspired a movie about being a Pakistani teenager in Great Britain during the Margaret Thatcher years: the 1980′s. I watched the movie first. Now I’m reading the book. Anytime I reach out to another creative soul and he or she responds, it feels like I’m connecting the dots.

Beer Bread!

beerbreadThanks Mom for the gift of beer bread! I made my first loaf last night with two small bottles of Miller High Life. After three slices my taste buds were pounding the bar and demanding another round. I practiced self restraint, and told them it was last call.
“You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here,” I said.
“We’re your taste buds! We live here!”  they replied. So I distracted them with yogurt, honey, and grapes. When they asked if they could have more beer bread later, I said what all non-committal people say: “We’ll see.”

The Hits Keep On Comin’

recordingWhat’s your occupation?
What do you do for fun?
Have you ever seen the spooklight?
These are a few questions I had for my latest guest on THE EPILOGUE CABIN. It’s been over 35 years since Daylene and I rode a school bus together. The last time we talked on the phone was in the early 1990′s. It felt like I was getting to know her all over again. Stay tuned for episode 5 to find out if she ever saw the spooklight!

Movie Rentals

videorentalWhen I was in college it only costs around $20 to rent 6 movies– $25 if I rented a VHS player. My roommates and I would block out the next 12 hours to watch titles like Caddyshack, Streets of Fire, Taps, Meatballs and Animal House. Renting a new movie now costs a little more than it did back then. A couple of nights ago I watched Blinded By the Light for $6 online. That charge to the credit card made it possible to watch the movie for 48 hours. Then the access simply goes away. There are no late fees for movie rentals in the 21st century.

Cabin Conversation w/Daniel

aintiastinkerWhen Bugs Bunny uttered this phrase it was always after he did something very bad that was also very funny. The latest episode of THE EPILOGUE CABIN  features my classmate Daniel who (in my opinion) has a lot in common with Bugs. The picture below is from our 35th class reunion. Daniel and his wife are standing next to me… I think that’s his wife.chadmeanddaniel

Movie Night In Westport

pleasemurdermeThe movie was from 1956, but it still packed the house… well, the second floor anyway. Saturday we went to see this movie at a “micro-cinema” with Don & Jennifer, and about a dozen other people at Downbeat Coffee + Tea. It’s an upstairs coffeehouse that can hold about 20 people & features old movies every other weekend during the cold months.