Neat Complete Disguise From 1954

monoviewspacehelmetradio announcers from the 1950′s were a rare breed. this advertisement is over sixty years old, and it still sounds amazing. i know it’s too late to mail 25 cents and a boxtop to get my mono-view outer space helmet. maybe i can draw on a few cardboard boxes and make one of my own.

A Glance Back @ Mother’s Day

church bfastwhen i was growing up it was a big deal to call long distance. we didn’t do it very often because it was very expensive. in some cases it might even cost a dollar a minute. when we called relatives outside of our area code, we would keep our conversations short. maybe that’s why i don’t call anyone these days. i keep my conversations so short they don’t even exist. my mom is the same way. she keeps tabs on me by reading this blog. so mom if you’re wondering what i did on mother’s day, i ate waffles and sausages for breakfast at church between services.

Sundance vs. Rain Dance

robert-redford-butch5fingers are crossed for a dry show at the boulevard drive-in tonight. we were kinda worried that beep goes the weasel might get rained out, but the fickle nature of spring (i know, i know) seems to be weighing in our favor: it looks like the storms will hold off until the first movie gets started at 8:45. we’ll be done beeping by then. just for the record, i don’t know how to do a sundance, but i have seen butch cassidy and the sundance kid. oh hey, one more thing, there’s a new page where beep enthusiasts can download free mp3′s! we’re passing out fliers tonight with QR codes that go straight to it. the fun starts at 8:15pm at the boulevard drive-in, 1051 Merriam Ln, KCK.

Live On KC Live!

beep goes the weasel was at KC Live on KSHB this morning to beep with joel, michelle, and a live studio audience! angie got to show off the theremin, and i forgot to mention that our produce came from the culinary center of kansas city. it was kinda jarring when a camera guy pointed at us, leaned in, and whispered “play something!” right before the show went to a commercial.

Rat Farts

ratfartsbeep goes the weasel will to be on KSHB tomorrow at 10:00 am. i was excited to tell viewers about our upcoming show at the boulevard drive in, but i had no way of knowing that the forecast would be stormy when i booked the gig a month and a half ago. maybe we’ll be lucky and the meteorologists will be wrong, but if torrential rains persist we’ll make alternate plans. we won’t be like the bishop screaming rat farts in a monsoon.

Return to the Living Room

blurredusangie and i ate breakfast this morning and then went over our plans for next friday. that’s when we’re scheduled to be on KC Live. we put the theremini on a stand, plugged in the fender, and recorded a lurch in E minor. we haven’t made noise like this since the chonka chonka jam last year. we might put some weird vocals on it later.

My Little Corner of the World

oldopthis is the corner of 80th and santa fe. it’s part of the route weekdays on my way to work. yesterday on my way back home from work i stopped at the culinary center to see if they wanted me to beep for local life in the month of may. they said “yes!” and gave me a free lunch. after eating gourmet sesame chicken and pasta, i stopped at vinyl renaissance and bought a joe jackson record for $2. my last stop was at associated radio where they sell CB’s, ham radios, and accessories. i dropped off a circuit board for them to repair so i can hook it back up to the veggies next week.

Facebook Goes Beep

on FBbeep goes the weasel has added a few weapons to the arsenal in 2015: a sponsor, a theremin, more venues, and a facebook page! that’s right kids, in addition to following us here on, twitter, and the rocket blog, NOW you can “like” us on facebook, post comments, check out pics, and videos, and click to your heart’s content. however make sure and save some time to come outside and see us at the boulevard in a few weeks.

Invitation To Beep… Accepted!

julie me and angiea few weeks ago the culinary center of kansas city asked if i could play musical vegetables by their front entrance, and help them celebrate national cheeseball day. i said “yes!” and dragged all of my stuff to the curb friday night, including a theremin (that’s the white thing that angie is playing), a milk crate full of fruits and vegetables provided by the culinary center, and a circuit bent speak and math just to keep things weird. this is what it sounds like when you play with your food.

IUAH Beep Blog Complete

hunter-plane1last month i wrote my fifth blog entry for interurban arthouse. this completes the series that started last fall about how i got the rocket grant for beep goes the weasel. since that time IUAH has connected me with the overland park farmer’s market, the johnson county library, and the culinary center of kansas city. i just want to say thanks to nick, nicole, lauren, and all the good people at IUAH.