Maddie’s Moody Jungle Vibes

merrylittlemoodyjungleour niece, maddie, crawled into the deep recesses of her mind for this super cool design & posted it on instagram yesterday. she used the phrase “moody jungle vibes” to describe this beautiful hand painted art on black paper. you can see more of her creations on her website:

Little Bit Of Blue

sunrise dinothis little plastic dinosaur sits in our window next to the driveway. he and i both thought the sun was gonna come out this morning when we saw the little patches of blue sky. i’m really glad i took this photo because the clouds eventually moved in and squashed our hopes. some friends took notice when i shared this moment on facebook. chrisy commented “he looks lonely.” i responded “he’s lonely for the sun.”

Where Have All The Phone Booths Gone

movie-phoneboothlast night i saw a trellis out of the corner of my eye. there was something about the white lattice work on it that reminded me of a phone booth, and just for a second that’s what i thought it was. this morning i imagined singing where have all the phone booths gone to the tune of that old 60′s song, Where Have All The Flowers Gone. i know where they are by the way… in our pockets.

Play With Me

maxmax can be pretty persistent. he doesn’t talk. he just keeps jumping up in front of the computer screen until i play with him. i took him off the desk three times before i gave up & took his picture. happy presidents day.

Neon Time

neonclocktime had a weird habit of stopping at our house for awhile, and not just when the batteries needed changing in the wall clock. when the big hand and little hand kept getting tangled up with each other, we knew it was time for a change. so we said goodbye black espresso clock, hello hot pink neon clock! originally i wanted a clock that could plug into the wall & didn’t need batteries. unfortunately, the only affordable ones i could find were made in the last century, and their remaining lifespan was dubious at best. also, jenny didn’t want something like this in our living room to make it look like a man cave:N7upclockas it turns out, i DO have to plug in our new clock… but that’s only for the neon.

Not The Only One

chloenmefeeti wasn’t the only one to get a new pair of shoes over the weekend. when i said “check out my new shoes,” to chloé yesterday, she said “i got new shoes too!” so i took this pic of her vera wang’s and my skechers, hashtagged #fancyfootwear, and wondered why my feet appear to be levitating.

New Steel Toes

guyslookingatpaper if the moon crashed into the earth, life as we know it would be over– BUT if a fifty pound object fell on my toes, i would be alright! how do i know this? i checked the safety stats on my new pair of skechers last night. the boys at the lab say that i have an ASTM F2412-2011 I/75 C/75 steel toe rating on each shoe, and now my feet are WAY safer than they used to be! these shoes can even take direct pressure up to 2500 lbs. before the steel toe starts give.

Tricky 3 Gang Plate Question

3gangplateone of my friends found this pic on facebook. some people left comments for the “would be” home repair person. steven in syracuse said, “that’s for houses on the other side of the street.” will in nebraska suggested, “if you just cut that part off and glue it to the other side you should be good.” thanks again for the photo, sandy!

The Mill

reggieit’s not superman, batman, or the incredible hulk– no it’s WAY cooler than those guys. my nephew, reggie, made his own limited issue 24 page comic, the mill… and my copy came in the mail yesterday! here’s reggie’s description of the mill: “A boy finds an old windmill with strange qualities and sinister ties to another world. Necromancy, monsters-this fantasy adventure story has it all.” you can order reggie’s comic here!

Weird Sense Of Comfort

cycle passengerthe songs are mesmerizing, and sound like they were recorded over 30 years ago. the kids call it vaporwave, i call it dead mall music, and it has a strange calming effect on me. the next time i drive down to 1984, i’ll have the perfect playlist. artists will include:
general translator
saint pepsi
… and if it gets foggy between kansas city and springfield, i might actually go back in time.