Hemlock Halloween Again

hemlock house 2Everyone in my neighborhood knows that Halloween is only four weeks away when the skeletons come out on Hemlock. For the last 20 years the folks that live in this house wait until October 1st to decorate their yard. Then 30 days later, they crank up the audio: thunder, moaning, cackling, and all the other scary noises that are associated with Halloween. I always wonder what the Jehovah’s Witnesses think about all this devilish detail. The church is just a few feet away.

5 Responses to Hemlock Halloween Again

  1. Maybe. it’s the church that’s sponsoring it?

    • that would really warp the way i view their door to door visits mom… “hello mr. cedillo! we are from the jehovah’s witness temple down the street. perhaps you’ve seen our deceased members in our neighbor’s halloween display?”

  2. Or worse yet, in church (Revelations 3:1).

  3. you 2 are bad.

  4. First Church of the Frigidaire
    “Where many are cold but few are frozen!”

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