
tonyandmeWow! A whole lot has happened in to the last 10 days! A new job, transitioning out of my old jobs, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA! Ok, ok, that last part is from Ghostbusters, but it could also apply to our neighbor Barb who has an old dog (Daphne) getting used to the new cat (Slash). Anyway all of these changes feel like 92 sardines trying to fit into a can that only hold 58! I just have to be patient I guess. I’ve talked to a handful of Covid-19 victims on my new job, and gotten their information for the local health department. That picture above is not a Covid-19 patient though, that’s Tony. He’s an old friend from Homer’s who video called me after I bought a headset.

In Old Napoli?

pizza-catsup-huntsHmmm… hickory vs. pizza? I think the 9-year-old me would have grabbed the one on the right, but if that choice were still around today I’d go for the hickory. I found this on Apparently Hunt’s pizza flavored catsup was only around for a few years in the 1960′s. Oh well… that’s amorĂ©.

That Towel is DynOmite!

DYNOMITE_JennyJenny’s family visited KC this weekend and brought down some stuff they didn’t want anymore like this dynamite, excuse me– DynOmite beach towel! Jenny thinks Andi got it from their parents, and Dean and Thelma probably got it at a church district assembly. I might call Andi later and find out, but right now I just like the idea of my in-laws talking to a sales clerk and saying “This towel is ok, but don’t you have any more Jimmie Walker towels? Those are the ones that really say ‘DYNO-MIIIIITE!’”

Joe’s Mini Series: Little Buck

BUCKHoly cow this little guitar feels like a Tiger By The Tail and all it has to do is Act Naturally, that’s right I’m talking about another one of Joe’s little guitars that I nicknamed Buck after Buck Owens. I’ve watched enough episodes of Hee Haw to recognize that red white and blue beauty anywhere!buckowensSHAVED

Before There Was WiFi…

…there was Sky Fi! I saw this 80′s commercial for a solar powered radio hat a few days ago while watching some old MTV videos. The first images include car headlights in the fog and an alien chasing a kid. It looks like it could be another cheesy music video– but then everyone’s wearing a visor with a radio and an earpiece. The forecast is calling for rain, I think I’ll leave my solar powered Sky Fi Radio Hat at home today.

Joe’s Mini Series: F-Holes

FHOLESAlright, alright, I’ve been slow in getting these images up so heeeere’s the second guitar on display that Joe made for me. It’s even got F-holes! When I asked Joe if it was a mandolin, he just grinned, nodded his head, and said “yep.” For folks wondering what Joe looks like, I’m posting a pic below from last year’s Herman Family Reunion:joeandmeHFR2019

Insomniac Viewpoint

VHS playerSome nights I can’t sleep until midnight or later and the last things I remember can be blurred together. One minute I’m rummaging through a dumpster with friends from college, the next second there is standing water inside my house and a gushing sound. Is it real? Was it a dream? I don’t know, but if you say something to me in those early hours while I’m separating those two worlds, please excuse my spaced out stare. I’m just trying to piece things together and fake it ’til I make it.

Whoa Tokyo!

electronicosfantasticosThere’s word association and then there’s noise association. I think the latter is when someone hears a noise and associates with me. Two different friends (Jennie and Clay) saw this jam by Electronicos Fantasticos, and posted the link on my facebook page. Imagine telling someone that your instrument of choice is an old computer monitor. I love it.

Then and Then

shipoffoolsDOCTOREDChris sent this photo to me and Clay a few days ago. I hadn’t seen it since that day at Kinko’s when we were making fun of ourselves in the mid 90′s. I remember drawing the collar and the phoenix on Larry’s shirt to make him look like Elvis. Chris did most of the hair, but when he drew the riding crop under Clay’s arm we both lost it. Here’s the original poster:shipoffoolsYep. We opened for the Fish Slappers… oh, and Mick Fleetwood.

Paper Football And Blood Draw

football bandaidLet’s be clear. I did NOT play paper football with a blood lab technician this morning, even though the triangular shape of the gauze could suggest otherwise. By the way that indoor sport is also known as table football or flick football, and I did play it a lot in junior high and high school. I could almost always flick a perfect field goal. On my doctor’s orders, I went in for a blood draw to check my cholesterol levels. When I came home my arm looked like this.