ASAP Reimagined

ASAP reimaginedIt will take time, patience, practice, and faith — but this interpretation of ASAP is something I can ponder, integrate, absorb, and secrete.

World Keeps Turning

WORLDRegardless of disappointments, unmet expectations, misunderstandings, and any other host of events that are followed by frustration and anger– the world keeps turning, I keep growing, and learning, and a loving higher power continues to come into focus, even if the world feels blocky and pixelated.


elvis alien mother sunSo here we are.  Some major and minor personal accomplishments, life changes that are fought and accepted, occurrences that drop out of nowhere or jog one’s memory of something long forgotten… yep, here we are 14 years later as the blog, like the beat, goes on and churns out anything I can imagine like Elvis, an alien, and Mother Theresa.


annieI can’t type or say the word ‘tomorrow’ without thinking of Little Orphan Annie.  Tomorrow this blog will be 14 years old.  There have been over 1,500 posts and 2,700 comments.  The sun will come out tomorrow.  If it’s cloudy and overcast, I will find something yellow & post a picture of it here.

My Friday Morning Jam

themixtapeThe connection I feel with this show renews my faith in community radio.  Last week the host announced that Chubby Checker was playing at the Surf Ballroom for the Winter Dance Party and then played Let’s Twist Again.  I sent her a quick facebook message saying ‘holy crap, he’s still alive?’ and she was quick to respond moments later saying ‘I know, right?? I thought the same thing!’  Yep, Marisa is an awesome radio host and this show is a treasure.  She’s on the air every Friday morning 6-8am, or you can hear archived shows here.

Please Do Not Bend

do not bendMaybe it’s my inner contrarian, maybe it’s the crummy deal I got from AARP a few years ago, maybe I just like wadding things up– whatever the case, I took great joy in bending the letter that came yesterday specifically because it told me not to.  I don’t care if there was a card enclosed.

Book Report

headphonesZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (15 hrs) – 14%
-I feel like a fly on the gas tank listening to the author talk about his innermost thoughts, social interactions, and motorcycle operations.
The Tao of Bill Murray (7 hrs) – 78%
-everybody wants to hang out with Bill Murray, and he digs it.
The Left Hand of Darkness (2 hrs) – 32%
-a science fiction story about humans on another planet with fluid gender roles.
The percentages listed above are for audio books that I’m currently listening to. I’m grateful for my ears, my eyes, and all of my senses.

Wave of the Future

wave of the futureThe Panasonic RL-H1400 Hand Held Computer was the wave of the future forty years ago.  In the early 1980′s a man could walk up to a payphone, light a pipe, and check his email over a dial-up modem.  Past conveniences look so clunky now, but I’m sure people who could afford these luxuries imagined they would also be communicating with aliens before the century was over.  Sometimes I feel like I’m doing that now.

It’s Groundhog Day… Again

groundhog dayThere was one other time on this blog I directly referenced Groundhog Day, and made a reference to its use of a time loop– it was 4 years ago on the day after Groundhog Day.  Both of my parents left comments on it.  If this day ends and begins again tomorrow, it might be a sign that you need do a self-evaluation and consider changing your ways.  My advice is to love unconditionally, learn acceptance and humility, trust your higher power, and wish Ben & Janis a happy anniversary!

Memory Wake

memory wake 250The Memory Palace produces stories that feel like dreams. This one about a major league pitcher resonates with me on three levels:
-Tim Wakefield was the same age as me
-He had the unpredictable skill of pitching knuckleballs (more details about that in the show)
-The baseball setting is one I fall asleep to every night and most Sunday afternoons via