Happy Birthday Darla

darla lunch boxMy sister, Darla, had a plastic Snoopy and Woodstock lunchbox when we were growing up.  I remember it as vividly as my own (a metal Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote lunchbox).  I also remember wondering why she had a plastic one and if hers was better than mine. It was a typical little kid thought, and I was always comparing myself and my stuff to other people and their stuff.  I’m trying not to do that as much these days. Happy birthday Darla. You be you, and I’ll be me.  I love you.

3 Responses to Happy Birthday Darla

  1. As it should be.

  2. Happy birthday Darla

  3. Thanks for the birthday mention. What I remember about that lunchbox is you always wanted me to start carrying it to school in May so I could hide water guns in it. And I was afraid Norman (Our bus driver) would find me out and if get suspended from the bus.

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