The Week With Sara II

CROPPED8thgradenatlarchivesthe first two pics are from the glenwood arts theater where we saw won’t you be my neighbor, the movie about mr. rogers. later when sara saw a poster for a bo burnham movie, she said, “i didn’t know he directed a movie!” the last pic is outside the bolender center where we attended the fringe festival & saw a cool aerial acrobatic show.

The Week With Sara

3Dpineappleone of the things sara got to do during her visit with us last week was spend time inside the library’s makerspace. really! it wasn’t even my idea– she specifically asked if we could go there. she 3D printed a pineapple the same day she helped me circuit bend a speak and spell. i attached two wires to a toggle switch, and sara soldered them right to the circuit board, and the next thing we knew there was gibberish coming out of the speaker.saranspeaknspell

Weekend Deadline Approaching

oldtimereporterthe antics, adventures, and stories have been piling up around the cedillo house, which is the vacation headquarters for our niece, sara this week. she has been writing them all down in her journal & we’ve taken a few pics along the way. i’ll post the whole experience after she goes back home on saturday, but until then we’re cramming in as much fun as we can these last few hours! here’s a sneak peek at some of the cool things what we’ve seen:
-aerial acrobatics at the fringe festival
-won’t you be my neighbor, the mr. rogers movie
-a 3D printed pineapple at the makerspace
- a waxing full moon every night

Let’s Get Small

tinysarasara is staying with us for a week, and we couldn’t be happier. on our first day together we: jammed on guitar & ukulele, walked by a drum circle in loose park, played catch, ate tasty yogurt, and sniffed all the pine cones at antioch acres!

A Voice For The Voiceless

everythingisaliveyesterday i woke up without a voice. a few hours later i discovered a brand new podcast called everything is alive. it is “an unscripted interview show in which all the subjects are inanimate objects. in each episode a different thing tells us its life story.” i could barely talk while louis, a can of cola was telling listeners not to tap his head when he falls off a shelf. that type of thing only annoys him.

Don’t Give A Bug A Chance

justpestcontrolwhat does it mean when an exterminator promotes just pest control? is he trying to express that he’s an honest guy who plays by the rules when he fights all of the the six legged enemies in my house? is he gonna be an impartial softie that allows some of the rodents to live? is he gonna be fair to the ants, roaches, and crickets that i paid him to exterminate? poor michael erwin… he just wanted to make a few bucks as a just pest controller. i don’t think he has the stomach to terminate with extreme prejudice.

DUI Meter

manyjoshuasthe pics above span the years that jenny & i have known josh fairman. the recording below is the second song from the we drive bentleys recording session. josh & i came up with 3 songs & i always wanted to record him singing, but i had to settle for a spoken track enhanced by the voice transformer. this is a PG-14 fairman/cedillo* original titled, DUI meter. lyrics below:
i got three misdemeanors
i got some warts on my pener
no i cannot drive
i got a DUI meter
mama don’t stop me now
mama i don’t know how how
mama don’t stop me now
mama don’t have a cow

*josh wrote & rapped the first 4 lines, i wrote & falsetto-ed the last 4 lines.

Memory Lane Via Glendale Street

outsidejenny went out for dinner w/a friend last night, so i went driving around olathe & saw that our old duplex on glendale is available to rent! it was the first place we lived in as a married couple 30 years ago. the cost of living has gone up since 1988 & the rent for this place is $700 a month now. i think we paid about $265 a month. jenny wants me to remind the blog readers (all 3 of you) that we only had the left side of this house to ourselves: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 600 square feet. below are some interior pics. all images provided by sederson management co.livingroomkitchenbedroombathroom

Your Favorite 80′s Band… And You!

Screenshot_2018-07-11 David Cedillo Jrmolly posted this link on my facebook wall. it’s a list made by one of the writers at mcsweeney’s that says “what your favorite 80′s band says about you.” here’s a little sample:80sbandsezaboutyou– after reading the list, i shared it with brad williams, one of the hosts of stuck in the 80′s, and he replied:Screenshot_2018-07-11 Brad Williams, i shared pt 1 with Steve Spears - David Cedillo Jr

The Old Midwest

thethreshersyoung francis young was knee high to a toad suck when his family bought a used steam belt thresher. they didn’t really know what it was for or how to operate it. the on/off switch was easy to find, but the thing didn’t come with a manual. the engine died a few times before it actually maintained a decent chugging idle. when the conveyor belt spun wildly on the pulleys, ma young knew someone was gonna lose a finger.