The Line For Awesome Starts Here

bacononastickstumbled across this pic a few days ago, and for the life of me, i can’t remember where it was taken. it was originally posted on cousin jessica’s facebook page 3 years ago, but she could only confirm that it was somewhere in des moines. i DO know it was the same day that i purchased that latex horse head.

The Wheels On The Bus Go Beep!

editedour niece, chelsea, sent a picture of her twins playing a xylophone a few days ago & said “i think they are ready to play vegetables!” so i drove to their house & we played the wheels on the bus, jingle bells, london bridge, and a bunch of other kid tunes. they eventually lost interest and grabbed the TV remote.

After These Messages

garyowensok, well… there aren’t actually any messages, but you can bet your sweet bippy the following blog post topics will be showing up here in the next few days:
Bacon On A Stick
–we’ll gaze in wide wonder
Bedtime Story From Dennis The Pillow
–just go with it
Antioch Nazarene Teens ’89
–where did the time go?

Clover Sprites ’07

cloversprites…alicia, jenny, and christy sat on our front stoop with clover in their hair 11 years ago. i snapped a photo from the front door behind them. when facebook reminded jenny of the event, she re-posted it. ah memories.

Dad Jokes

robertyoungwhen i tell a corny joke, the kids at homer’s are the first ones to say “dave, that’s a dad joke.” that’s ok. out of all the categories of jokes (practical, dirty, sick, lame) i’m comfortable telling dad jokes at this point in my life. here are a choice few that i discovered* just this morning:
what is an arm exercise you can do at a dairy farm?
cheese curls
what is a shoulder exercise you can do at a cutlery store?
fork lifts
what is a wrist exercise you can do at a candy factory?
peppermint twist
what are all these exercises worth?
diddly squat
*these jokes are courtesy of the new york times crossword

Jenny, Dad, & Tim

jennyDADtimi don’t know if jenny & i were married when this picture was taken at beth & gary’s house– but when i look at it, i can hear jenny saying, “we didn’t get a picture of dave’s dad or my brother tim yet! hey you two– get over here!” looking at the 3 of them, i can tell it was the 1980′s, and she was still pretty bossy back then.

Coffee News

coffeenewsprint isn’t dead, it’s delivered every week to werner’s. that’s where i pick up a free issue of coffee news when i buy the best sausages in kansas city. you can read quirky stories, quotable quotes, and enter a contest for $50 cash just for spotting a tiny cartoon man waving in one of the ads! this week, however, the publisher is giving away 4 tickets to the renaissance festival instead of cash. eh, i’ll still try to win.

Hoovie’s Got Me Covered

1984 closeup tee stopping for souvenirs isn’t the safest thing to do during time travel. when you suspend reality, anything can happen… you could throw a rod or lose an axle on re-entry. my friend hoovie took that risk anyway last week & bought me a t-shirt at 1984. mosaic images are cool, because you can almost always go back and see something that you didn’t notice before.1984SHORTER

My Last Minute Run For Office

Undecided-Norman-RockwellREVISEDballotKID: hey uncle dave, tell me about that time you overcame staggering odds when you ran for governor!
ME: well buddy i didn’t actually run, i just wrote my name* on the ballot, and it wasn’t for governor– it was for a committeeman position for the 10th precinct in overland park. you could do that back in those days. if you wanted to be elected in some counties, all you had to do was make t-shirts that said VOTE FOR DAVE then do an interpretive dance in the local high school, and just wait for the landslide.
*there was literally no name for this position in the primaries tuesday— so i entered myself as a candidate.

Behind The Comet

thecometi got behind an old comet yesterday afternoon. it didn’t have a tail & it wasn’t rushing through the cosmos– but it did time travel from the mid-1960′s, and it came from the planet mercury… i mean the mercury auto manufacturer. the mercury comet was actually based on the ford falcon. the four guys riding inside were probably wishing it had air conditioning.