Still Stuck… but Moving On

yesterday i listened to the last studio produced podcast of stuck in the 80s. it was a bittersweet end to a 7 year run, although the host that’s leaving the show says it will continue in some fashion. i sincerely hope so.

Just in Time For Halloween

does anyone have $40 laying around that i could borrow?

Dad and the Scales

somewhere there are pictures of my dad playing the trumpet. i just don’t know where they are right now. the trumpet is just one of the instruments he plays. he also plays the piano and guitar. when my family lived in oklahoma, i have memories of dad playing scales over and over again. here’s a short song i wrote about it featuring the casio vl-1.

Electric Theatre Arcade

arcades used to cover the landscape in the 1980′s the same way buffalo did in the early 19th century. then one day we woke up and all the video games and bison herds were gone. ok, well… that’s an exaggeration. the buffalo came back from near extinction (there is a herd outside of pittsburg, ks), and a few 80′s arcades have also returned. one of them is inside square pizza in independence, mo. $5 at the register will give you unlimited play. josh, christy, and i had games like moon patrol, galaga, tron, and rampage all to ourselves last sunday.

The Latest Mondo

had a good turnout last week for first fridays at the crossroads. the temperature dropped but people still came out in droves (anyone know what a drove is?) next month i’m wearing gloves. thanks to david (those are his hands in the video), mac, alan, marlys, sandy, mark, mary, rachel, trista & erik (we’ll miss you!), laura, and rebekah for braving the cold.

The Casio VL-1

after much deliberation, weighing pros and cons, and multiple youtube viewing i decided to purchase the casio vl-1. i wanted something retro and portable. the casio vl-1 is both. tonight it will make a first fridays debut on the sidewalk for mondo beep. here’s a little something i was able to record this morning…

Where Old Sayings Come From

i love words. i love phrases. i REALLY love finding out the origins of words and phrases that aren’t used anymore. this book is gonna be good brain food.

Sonic Muse

let’s be honest, marquee sign mistakes aren’t easy to find… sometimes you have to be deliberate. here’s what the other side of the sign looked like.

Happy With the LSAD

dan vogler picked up this little smart alphabet desk (LSAD) at a thrift store and i reimbursed him the two dollars he spent on it. took it apart this afternoon and was able to record this glitch. it will be a welcome addition to the mondo beep show next month… oh man… that’s less than two weeks away.

3 For the Road

last weekend chris and i visited our friend clay in arkansas. it’s been more than 20 years since all three of us lived a few blocks from each other. now the planets have to be aligned just for a weekend trip. we had a good time catching up, hiking in the woods, telling stories, watching movies, and playing music.