To Be In The Moment

people-singing-around-a-campfire-1200x854It is too easy to overthink a situation and try to figure out all the possible outcomes while a present moment slips away.  My best experiences have happened when I was only aware of what was happening around me, and not concerned about the future or the past.  This morning in my bible I read “you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, [and] gracious.”  I took the apostle at his word today, and when I started thinking about things I can’t control I thought “what is true? What is noble? What is reputable, authentic, and compelling?”  My knee jerked and I thought of campfire stories, nostalgic arcade games, and new-found songs.  With a little luck and patience the list will grow, I just need to keep watering it.

2 Responses to To Be In The Moment

  1. I’m still overthinking the moment I saw a snake in my summer kitchen on Monday afternoon. Totally freaked me out all evening and night. Then yesterday Jim found another one in almost the same spot. That did it, I called in the troops. EVERYTHING came out. Steve came and took the spare frig to his house, Darla helped me move stuff and scrubbed the floor.
    At this time I don’t want to live in the moment.

  2. Matthew 6:27-’Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

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