Undying Love For Dead Malls

deadmallCOVERLike a distant echo from a forgotten retailer, the latest token of love for the dead mall is this: a collection of remixed mall music muzak! A friend that belongs to the Facebook group, Dead Mall Enthusiasts, sent me a link and said, “as a fellow dead mall lover, you may enjoy this.” I do. Here’s the first track.

3 Responses to Undying Love For Dead Malls

  1. Strange but that doesn’t even sound familiar. Did you know that Nana worked at Penney in a shopping center in West Covina when I was very young. Maybe around 10 years old. I remember she liked it. Then we used to shop at the May Co. dead mall in Covina a few years later. It was the first 2 story store I remember. And it had an esculator! I went there in hair curlers with a scarf around my head the day of our wedding. There’s a difference between centers & malls.

    • Wow! Can’t believe that doesn’t sound familiar. I hear that music and I’m browsing through the men’s section… didn’t know Nana worked in retail. Cool.

  2. Speaking about ‘dead’, I’ll be practicing as many El Paso oldies ‘chuco’ style songs as I can find between now and Wednesday. I might play taps for the burial.(of Louis, Abby’s brother).

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