The Day After The Ball

kids_dogsyesterday was the stay home and read a book ball, and MANY people like the kids in the pic above were doing just that. the johnson county library hosted this event, and encouraged everyone to stay home and read a book from 8am-8pm. they also accepted donations during the 12 hour event. one of the organizers asked me to make a music video, which i did with chris mull’s help. other local artists that made videos included kate cosentino, electric needle room, and bailey west.

2 Responses to The Day After The Ball

  1. If I stayed home and read a book it would set me back a day’s pay. It would have to be Fri-Mon, but that would set me back a day’s work.

  2. We just finished reading the Shack. The movie came out last Friday . Jim never reads fiction but allowed me to read to him in his spare time. We recommend it.
    We’re going to pass on the movie because we can’t afford the popcorn ! :)

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