ratsThings that were blurry now have a focus.  I stopped spinning, but the world didn’t.  My last blog post was over 3 weeks ago, and my father wants to know what a GIF is.  The shortest answer to that question is, it’s the moving image in this blog post.  The longer answer is Graphic Interchange Format, and the first one was made in 1987 according to Wikipedia.  I remember when I didn’t know what something was and I asked my parents.  If they weren’t sure we’d look it up in the encyclopedia.  We knew that information wasn’t necessarily the most recent information– but it was solid, and nobody doubted its validity.  Now there’s too much information at our fingertips, and everything we know can be argued and disputed.  I miss the authority of those old encyclopedias.

TGTKOG: Good Morning!

This is a GIF I first posted when I was a contact tracer last year.  My co-workers and I would wish each other “good morning!” each day in a chat room since we all worked from home.  They usually posted a sunrise GIF or a coffee drinker GIF.  I wanted to be different.  In my search for gems from TV’s past, I struck gold when I found Lindsay Wagner as the Bionic Woman.  I typed “70′s morning” in the search bar and there she was.  When you need a little boost to get a jump on your day this GIF will lift your spirits!

TGTKOG: Spanky Waits

WFHI’m normally a patient guy, but when my stomach starts grumbling or I can see the light at the end of the work day I start to feel like Spanky here.  This GIF reflects my feelings right before lunch or quitting time.  I usually post this image in a chat when another co-worker asks “is it 5:00 yet?”  Nope.  We’re stuck here with Spanky until the whistle blows.

The GIFs That Keep on Giving: Nerd

This is Bill Haverchuck, a character portrayed by Martin Starr on one of my all time favorite shows, Freaks and Geeks.  I post this GIF with his image a lot when I’m in a group chat and reveal my nerdiness or geekdom on any given subject like how many “wee-ma-wey’s” are in The Lion Sleeps Tonight (64).  GIFs are a peek into my soul, they are the scenes that go with certain dialogues, and they are the images that I’m going to share with you over the next few days.  Consider this the first installment of The GIFs That Keep on Giving (TGTKOG).

Popcorn With Cousins

andrew and jennyWarren and Andrew came over for the second Sunday in a row yesterday.  Last Sunday we all walked to Pop Culture and got popcorn and ice cream.  This week I played a few songs with Andrew (pictured above) for the first time since he first started learning guitar.  He plays bass now.  When we were done, Jenny sat next to him and they both ate Boom-Chicka-Pop popcorn out of coffee filters.

The Name Dropper

johndavidsonJohn Davidson, Richard Burton, Steve Austin, and a bunch of other patients with famous names have showed up to the clinic where I work.  When I was checking in John Davidson I jokingly asked “Didn’t you use to be a host on ‘That’s Incredible’ with Fran Tarkenton and Cathy Lee Crosby?” Fortunately he laughed.  I wanted to ask him about the time he posed nude for Playgirl, but there were other patients waiting to check in.

When Life Gets Snarky

nurselifecoverSomebody left a coloring book in the break room.  It was like a lighthouse in the fog calling to me and yet telling me to stay away.  Anytime something has the word adult on the cover I internally brace myself for nudity or obscenity– but since this discovery was at work I figured it was sort of safe.  If it was real raunchy somebody else would have taken it home.  This is what I saw inside:realbloodandvomit

Sound Repairs

fixitfelixfourinoneI was changing strings and replacing the battery in my acoustic guitar when a snap ring broke off of my 9-volt assembly.  Fortunately I am a resourceful guy who is used to figuring out “work arounds.”  I found another 9-volt assembly kit at Micro Center for $2, cut the old assembly off, and spliced the wires together.  I put one string on the guitar so I could test it on an amp.  The first time I ever spliced wires was when Hoovie showed me how to hook up a Sparkomatic stereo in the Dodge Swinger.

Pull Tab Time Travel

pull tabWe came across this discarded pull tab on a walk last week.  “Who still has drinks with disposable pull tabs??”  I wondered.  Then I came to the logical conclusion that it must have a time traveler from the late 60′s or early 70′s.  He or she probably set their dials for a future date within their lifespan so they could get data and statistics to take back to their own time.  They probably took a break from their financial planning while they were here.  I imagine they went for a walk in the woods, pulled the tab off a Mr. Pibb, and carelessly tossed it in the grass.  They littered quite a bit back then.

Jabba’s Cousin

jabbas cousinI saw a new face in my formica table recently.  After a quick sketch I realized he looked like a distant cousin to a Star Wars character, Jabba the Hutt.  I’m not sure what this guy’s name should be but he may also be related to the Elephant Man.