Return To The Boulevard

beep2tomorrow night beep goes the weasel returns to the boulevard drive in with more songs, more vegetables, and more fun! we hope you will join us at 9pm before the first movie and again during the snack bar break!

8-Bit Philosophy

8bitphilosophyi found a new web series this morning. it launched in late april. after youtube (via google) took down all the videos on mtvclassic1 i had to find another way to warp reality. this channel is up to 6 episodes covering philosophers like zeno, sartre, and descartes.


SJP and jerrycomedians in cars getting coffee just started its fourth season four hours ago. the season premiere has jerry and his guest sarah jessica parker driving around in a 1976 station wagon. one thing that makes this show surreal is getting to hear jerry sing a new theme song off camera. if you miss seinfeld, this little web series is like seeing an old friend.

Official Launch

first nightbeep goes the weasel has officially launched for the summer! matt, angie, and i set up the veggies, projector, and music gear in front of the snack bar at the boulevard drive in last sunday night. we played before the first and second feature films. our project attracted mostly children. parents stood nearby with cameras to capture the moment. looking forward to our next date on june 29th!


anticipationthe anticipation for the first beep goes the weasel is starting to feel like an old commercial from the 1970′s. last night we had a successful practice at the boulevard drive in as a train went by, and a full moon rose above the trees. only 3 more days until we turn into robots and start wiring up vegetables!

The People That You Meet

kandmit was great to be back out on the sidewalk at 18th and baltimore for mondo beep last night. we met kurt, ricardo, brent’lee’s sister susan, and some folks who didn’t speak english. everyone loved playing the carrots. old friends also stopped by: jenny, roz, brent’lee, kristen, ross, kate, and mattie. we also passed out fliers for beep goes the weasel to promote our june 15 & 29 dates @ the boulevard drive in.

Back On The Sidewalk

caddyshackthe latest weather reports show that thunderstorms are going to hold off until midnight, so that means mondo beep will be back on 18th and baltimore tonight for first fridays! we’ll have the usual mix of handheld synths, circuit bent toys, and musical veggies. i will also be handing out fliers for beep goes the weasel. our 2014 rocket grants project just received funding last night!

June Packed Like The Joads

joads roadstermay is over, and june couldn’t be more filled up unless henry fonda was driving it to california. if the forecasted isolated storms can isolate somewhere else,  i’ll be out on the sidewalk a few steps east of 18th and baltimore this first friday for mondo beep. under the rocket sorta. and speaking of rocketsjune 15 and 29 @ 9:00pm beep goes the weasel is coming to the boulevard drive in!

Resurrected DEATH on Vinyl

band called death40+ years ago there was a band called death. they were 3 brothers from detroit who were playing punk before the sex pistols or the ramones. a few months ago i saw a documentary about the band on netflix. they never achieved commercial success, and remained virtually unknown until the film was made in 2012. my friend angie bought her first vinyl record for $17, and it was the only album these three brothers ever recorded.

Rocket Grants II

rocketgrant_2014you can now see all of the projects that were awarded rocket grants funding on the rocket blog. it was humbling and encouraging to see the other projects. click here to see our project, or just keep scrolling on this link. we’re at the very bottom of the list.