Productive Band Time

singingangie came over to our house for a beep goes the weasel pow wow. that basically means that we made a list of songs to play for the next few gigs at the overland park farmer’s market, and the KU spencer museum of art. this is us practicing “friday i’m in love” by the cure. when we run out of songs, we’ll wire up produce from the culinary center, and invite kids and grown ups to jam with us at the end of each set.

Fifty Bucks

50 dollar moweri drove to the outskirts of johnson county and bought a used lawn mower for $50 this afternoon. it’s not very often that i can make an acquisition like this for the time capsule price that is stuck in my head. sometimes i forget it’s 2015, and that things cost more now than they did in the 80′s. in my deluded state i think that a car battery, or a traffic ticket, or a tow service should only run me around $50. today someone went along with my delusion. thanks craigslist. thanks harold.

2014 Rocket Grants Awards Ceremony Revisited

awards ceremonythe postman dropped off the last rocket grants check a couple of days ago. it made me think back to the awards ceremony where i received the first check from the charlotte street foundation. alot of things have happened since beep goes the weasel started last summer. we’ve done more than teach people how to play music and sounds with fruits and vegetables at a drive-in theater. BEEP GOES THE WEASEL is one of 10 projects that received a rocket grants award in 2014. angie wolford, matt hawkins and i started this project that same year at the boulevard drive-in. in 2015 we brought the beeps to grocery stores, libraries, and farmers markets! we play with carrots, squash, and cucumbers provided by the culinary center of kansas city, and we encourage everyone to play with our food!

At The Boulevard With Ian

ian and the kidslast saturday was beep goes the weasel’s last performance at the boulevard for the summer. i picked up a few pieces of produce from the culinary center, and called angie but she wasn’t feeling well. so then i got ian mull to help me out. he did an outstanding job. that’s him in the plaid shorts wailing on his guitar while random kids are beeping on vegetables and playing the theremin in between movies. at times it got SO noisy i thought the management might unplug us… but hey that’s part of the fun.
IMG_20150829_201928 it was also a night when open captions ran @ the boulevard for the hearing impaired community. they showed their gratitude, and presented wes and brian neal with a certificate of thanks.

More From The Beach 2015

onthebeachwatching the sun actually set on lake michigan every night was one of the best parts of our getaway two weeks ago. we got in so much beach time that jenny’s face started drying out, even though she kept moisturizing it. one afternoon we drove into south haven and ate at venezia pizza. that’s where someone drew an italian chef on the wall.

Electric One Two

kraftwerk_luton97i am not the first to use speak and spell technology in a song. i heard kraftwerk doing this on an underground 80s station. when i did an image search for the band, i found the pic above. yeah that’s about right.

Max The Pretzel

pretzeljenny tells me that i don’t post enough pics of our cat, max. one of his favorite sleepy spots is on the recliner. even though he is a year and a half old, he still acts like a kitten. this is probably what he looked like in his prenatal stage.

One More Beep @ The Boulevard This Summer

bravekidit’s been a weird rainy and summer the past few months. beep goes the weasel only made a handful of appearances at the boulevard drive-in. this friday the 29th, we’ll beep one more time outside the snack bar before the first frost hits KC. the end of summer doesn’t mean the end of beeps however, more gigs are scheduled in september and october!

Michigan 2015

city beach stairs red flag rough surf wall beepentries on this blog have been non-existent for a couple of weeks now because we went on vacation. jenny and i haven’t been on an extended getaway for a few years, and we were overdue. more pics and video from our trip will be posted soon!

Beep Goes The Library

handsandcarrotslast saturday beep goes the weasel set up in front of the lackman library for an hour. there were all kinds of curious kids and grown ups that wanted to jam on veggies and the theremin! thanks to joseph keehn, bryan voell, and the listen local series for making this happen!dadandson