Fun In Joplin

triolast weekend jenny & i headed south for the black family reunion. it’s the first sunday in june  in wyandotte, OK. along the way we picked up my nieces & spent saturday in joplin. we found 4 geocaches, a food truck serving dairy free smoothies, and bonsai trees for sale on the corner of 26th and main.

Pretend Life On Mars

thehabitatfound a new podcast last week called the habitat. it’s a series that documents the lives of six individuals who volunteer to share a small living space for one year. the 365 day experiment started in 2015. it was a simulation to prepare for the first human crew that will live on mars one day. i’ve been listening to it when i wash dishes, or drive to and from CPR classes. the whole thing is 7 episodes.

Two More Saturdays!

rocketseparationa week from this saturday, june 9, motel mancini will make one small tap for man– on the microphone, one giant leap for mankind when they hit the first chord, and then launch into 2 hours of live music at homer’s coffeehouse. big thanks to NASA for providing the rocket image. the weekly countdown for motel mancini’s night at homer’s started almost 10 weeks ago.

Ha! Ha! Huh?

hahaHUHthis isn’t los angeles– this is prairie village (insert dragnet narration here) it was a humid night at angela’s house on 78th terrace. the neighbors had already mowed their lawns & were settling down to watch netflix. i’m not joe friday– but this is where the magic happens every monday night… except this time it was wednesday.

Still Spinnin’ The Hits

irishdeejay“how do you keep it together, dave? what’s your secret?” well, at the end of the day i just want to play jungle hunt on my atari 2600, and turn on a station with live deejays playing the best hits of the 80′s. thanks to the internet i can tune in B99.3, broadcasting out of potsdam, NY. that slows the world down just enough for me to jump off for awhile.

Stranger Things Exploded

2017_strangerThings3_Netflix_220817it doesn’t always happen, but some folks sense the apprehensive excitement of watching paint dry when an artist says “wanna see how i made this?” i guess it depends on the art. there’s a podcast called song exploder that lets people behind the curtain to hear about the creation of certain songs. recently i listened to kyle dixon & michael stein reveal some things about the stranger things theme song. here is an excerpt. the whole show is about 12 minutes.

The Backwards Light

OFFandONwhen something that’s supposed to be off, is actually on, i can’t help but wonder about reality itself. friday i bought some LED lights for beep goes the weasel. i have a gig coming up in a few weeks, and i thought that lights could guide participants so they know which fruits to play. i connected everything to a breadboard to test one LED light, resistor, and push button switch. the light was supposed to go on when the button was pushed in, but it went off instead. i’ve forgotten how fickle the reality of electronics can be.

Three Is A Magic Number

3suitedup it’s THREE more saturdays until motel mancini plays at homer’s coffeehouse! even though the last 7 seconds felt like two months, i’m still wondering “where did the time go?” activate launch sequencer! ready ignition! tell my mother that i have clean underwear! and the countdown continues…

Were You Born In A Barn?

barn jumpersto be fair, the question that accompanied this pic on facebook was “have you ever played in a barn?” it just looked so incredibly nostalgic, i had to repost it.

Practice Practice Practice

Folksmenchris, clay, and i practiced our motel mancini songs monday night. we took our time & made the usual detours, and talked about stuff that was going on. it went alright for the first hour, but then the day caught up with us. i got a sharp pain in one of my knuckles. it was then i noticed the other guys were wincing from their own pops and cracks. when clay said “are we done yet?” chris said “we can be.” and we were.