Zeke and Molly

molly (one of our nieces) and her boyfriend, zeke, stayed with us over the weekend. we drove around town, swung on the monkey bars, jammed on accordion and guitar– but the big news is… we made another episode of ABRACADINER! stay tuned for more details.

Siamese Synths

danny williams brought over his new ipad with AWESOME synth apps. here’s a quick montage of what it sounded like. apologies for the distortion. still working out the kinks to play this alongside a monotron filtered speak and math. can’t wait to play this on the street.

Mi Padre

my dad visited us over the weekend. he lives in el paso, so personal visits like this are a rare treat. jenny & i drove him to my sister’s house so he could visit her family also. when he left on monday he took the warm weather with him.

Molly and Georgia

two of my nieces performed at a coffeehouse in lincoln recently, and i couldn’t be more proud. georgia had already done a few solo shows playing guitar and singing, but somehow she convinced her sister molly to join on accordion and backup vocals. i know from experience that it takes courage to put yourself in front of a crowd, and georgia and molly have what it takes. they also have a cool sound. here’s a sample of some of the songs they played. this isn’t the first time i featured them on my blog, they have also planked, and appeared as guests on abracadiner.

The Volvo That Slept

almost forgot about the volvo i saw on my way home from the crossroads art district last friday night. it was parked behind a big catholic church on southwest boulevard. i didn’t know it was a volvo at first, it just looked like an otherworldly vehicle that was waiting to come to life. thankfully i didn’t wake it up when i took this pic with my samsung phone.

Last Friday First Friday

i had a brainstorm last friday for a crossroads art district first friday show: i wedged myself between YJ’s snack bar and the fire jugglers, and made electronic sounds from various instruments (and non instruments). this mp3 features an optical theremin with kyle and kevin using their cell phones for a light source. most people were startled and annoyed, but the ones who dug it stood around and joined in after awhile. big thanks to kyle, kevin, danny, and parker for making the scene!

Thanks Hoove

jeff hoover is an old friend of mine from high school. a couple of weeks ago his wife sent me a facebook message asking for my address. last friday jeff sent me a box of cool t-shirts with old boombox and turntable art. as i write this i realize that over the years he has mailed me multiple bowling shirts, a route 66 t-shirt, and a drive in speaker. in the mid 90′s i wore the bowling shirts for a temp assignment that required business casual attire (aka shirt with a collar).

Out With The Old…

spent a half hour at lake olathe thursday. over the years it’s been a good place to get the creative juices flowing for songs and art. back in the 80′s it was a good place to throw a frisbee or start a fire. these days most of my friends work normal hours, and i’m the only one who comes back. on this visit i saw a new playground that was built recently, it made me miss the old one with a tall pole that my nephew climbed when he was little.

The Coffee Review

the review above is  one that jon starcke wrote on homer’s coffee a couple of days ago. if you clicked on the about tab, then you know that homer’s is one of my income sources. jon is a friend that i met through alex makin, alex became my friend when i discovered he had seen the treasure of the sierra madre almost as many times as i have. jon can also quote much of the movie.

Flower and a Robot

forget cold and flu season– the pixel art bug is the thing to catch. after getting a nice note from kristen (one of our co-workers at homer’s) kelly and i pixelated a flower and a robot. if you can draw a stick man, you can pixelate too.