Three Is A Magic Number

3suitedup it’s THREE more saturdays until motel mancini plays at homer’s coffeehouse! even though the last 7 seconds felt like two months, i’m still wondering “where did the time go?” activate launch sequencer! ready ignition! tell my mother that i have clean underwear! and the countdown continues…

Were You Born In A Barn?

barn jumpersto be fair, the question that accompanied this pic on facebook was “have you ever played in a barn?” it just looked so incredibly nostalgic, i had to repost it.

Practice Practice Practice

Folksmenchris, clay, and i practiced our motel mancini songs monday night. we took our time & made the usual detours, and talked about stuff that was going on. it went alright for the first hour, but then the day caught up with us. i got a sharp pain in one of my knuckles. it was then i noticed the other guys were wincing from their own pops and cracks. when clay said “are we done yet?” chris said “we can be.” and we were.

Old Friends & New Friends

bfastclubfriday night jenny & i walked to salon kitch for third fridays in old overland park. we got to hang out w/kitch and featured artist brew lamb aka spaceship zulu. it was kind of bittersweet because the salon will be closing in a couple of months. kitch and penny are moving & we will miss them. they have become like family to us. over the years they’ve introduced us to fellow artist friends like brew & polly. last winter brew, penny, polly, and i went to a meeting for artists who were applying for local grants. there were 30 other people there, but i felt like we were our own little outsider gang.

Holy Archie Andrews Batman!

Archie-Meets-Batman-66-Francesco-Francavillathe fictitious worlds of archie andrews and bruce wayne are going to collide this summer! according to the retroist archie meets batman ’66 is a joint project between Archie Comics and DC coming to a comic book stand near you this july! as the title suggests, archie will team up with the adam west version of batman, so hopefully we’ll see “OOF!” and “KA-POW!” when fights break out.

Countdown To Motel Mancini

buzzholy cow, it’s just a few more saturdays until motel mancini plays at homer’s! the countdown started in april & and now we’re just 4 weeks away! all that’s left is a few more numbers before master control gives us the “all clear!” this is NOT a test of the emergency broadcast system!

Bill Murray Was The Human Torch

Bill-Murray-Human-Torchlook! up in the sky! it’s a bird! it’s a plane! wait a minute… that’s not superman. before saturday night live, bill murray was a superhero on the fantastic four radio show. the series only lasted a few episodes, but you can hear them all on here’s a clip from 1975 when bill murray was introduced to radio listeners as johnny storm aka the human torch.

Tomato Red Time Machine Van

tomatoredvantuesday i saw a van across the street from homer’s that gave me flashbacks. it looked just like the one i drove in the late 1980′s. back then i delivered donuts before the sun came up. chris mull would join me when he couldn’t sleep. we would ride around industrial parks from 5 – 8 in the morning eating donuts, drinking coffee, and rocking out to the classic rock hits of 101.1 FM. flash forward to the present: it’s 30 years later & now i work on mondays making coffee before sunrise with chloé… chris’ daughter.


smallercashi stood on my head ’til my ears were turning red– but i finally sold the jeep! it only took 4 months, 6 test drives, and half the original asking price (i walked away with 40 $20 bills… you can do the math). breathe in. breathe out. sigh.

Monday You’re Not So Bad

mondayyourenotsobadjenny & i heard jeremy messersmith sing monday you’re not so bad when he came through kansas city last october. he was doing a potluck / house concert tour, so we got to see him in someone’s living room. a music video for that same song went online in april & i’ve been meaning to post it for the last two weeks.