Hand and Mind Diner

magnet dinerThe diner in my hand is also the diner in my mind.  It’s actually a magnet from the refrigerator.  If I stare at it long enough and deliberately shrink myself down to size, I could walk right through that steel alloy door and sit at the counter.  You’re probably thinking “how could you do that in a two dimensional object, Dave?  You need three dimensions to walk inside a handheld diner!  As soon as you open that door to the diner, you’ll bump your head into your own refrigerator!”  It’s ok, I’ve already thought about that and I have a team of engineers working on it.

2 Responses to Hand and Mind Diner

  1. Don’t think like that son. It reminds me of an old old movie about a shrinking man. I don’t remember the outcome, but he just kept getting smaller and smaller and never got into a diner. If he did someone probably thought he was a bug and smashed him dead!

  2. Just don’t shrink the kids.

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