Night Eyes vs. Morning Eyes

unseenBIRDLast night Mom asked if I could see the bird that she saw in the floor tile pictured above. Can you see it? It was a question that came after I blogged about a face that I saw in my formica table. I told her that my night vision wasn’t so good and I would try again later with morning eyes. After two cups of coffee the bird was still hiding from me. Mom drew in some detail with a pencil and sent me this pic:seenBIRDI was glad she cleared that up for me. Then I looked around that same tile and saw this upside down Scooby Doo ghost waving at me…seenSCOOBYDOOGHOST

2 Responses to Night Eyes vs. Morning Eyes

  1. I can see Scooby do when you draw him out. Is this what we do when our lives are put on hold? Surely I could think of something more productive! :) ;)

  2. Right now I just see the front yard staring at me to go to work. I’ ll tell what I see in the title tonight.

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