Weekend Deadline Approaching

oldtimereporterthe antics, adventures, and stories have been piling up around the cedillo house, which is the vacation headquarters for our niece, sara this week. she has been writing them all down in her journal & we’ve taken a few pics along the way. i’ll post the whole experience after she goes back home on saturday, but until then we’re cramming in as much fun as we can these last few hours! here’s a sneak peek at some of the cool things what we’ve seen:
-aerial acrobatics at the fringe festival
-won’t you be my neighbor, the mr. rogers movie
-a 3D printed pineapple at the makerspace
- a waxing full moon every night

3 Responses to Weekend Deadline Approaching

  1. oh it sounds like you’ve had so much fun. I think Sara is most happy when she is with her family. you are the BEST Uncle and Aunt.

  2. Sara is very fortunate to have you and Jenny. She loves her family home and everything about it. I remember the time we went out around one of the ponds the first time Darla and the girls walked or drove around it. Sara showed us the place she wanted to have her house close to a pond where she could see the deer crossing.

  3. I hope I live to see that house.

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