Gumby’s Back!

gumbyartistwho is that green clay figure sculpting things out of clay? IT’S GUMBY! oh the irony. i mean after all… HE once was a little green slab of clay, and now his reruns are back on my TV thanks to a roku channel called night flight. jenny watched a few of these 5 minute episodes, and laughed at the animation sequences that inspired my imagination as a toddler. like the song says, “if you’ve got a heart then gumby’s a part of you.”

2 Responses to Gumby’s Back!

  1. I remember him! Let me know if I can see him here.Gotta go. Back to you later.

  2. After reading all the notes. I remember how nauseous it was. It was cute just like a young kid who you give a compliment to. But then, after a few minutes, you begin to feel like the uncle of the pesky nephew.

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