I’d Rather Have Nothing…

ratherhavenothing2jim mathis gave me a copy of his new autobiography, loud music and big pictures. one of the memories he wrote about was the time i said “i’d rather have nothing than settle for less.” i was actually quoting a line from the movie ishtar, where warren beatty is trying to keep dustin hoffman from jumping off of a window ledge– but i was also expressing the fact that i don’t need very much to make me happy, just the simple things in life. jim borrowed that line and wrote a song with his band sky blue.

One Response to I’d Rather Have Nothing…

  1. Amen to that. I haven’t seen any of the uploads, but I can only tell you that I’m working at playing and recording I. Berlin’s ‘Blue Skies’ as one of the songs for all the grandkids. Every time I practice it, it gives out that same feeling you described.

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