From Great Heights

mtsunflowerMy brother-in-law is not afraid of a challenge.  He eats them for breakfast when he runs out of eggs and bacon.  He knew the risks when he set out to climb Mt. Sunflower, and he did it anyway.  For the record, Mt. Sunflower is the highest point in Kansas (as the sign above indicates) and it’s within shouting distance of Colorado.

6 Responses to From Great Heights

  1. Mr Herman is a brave and courageous man who accepts all challenges with aplomb, as exemplified in this magnificent photo. He is also a good man who displays uncommon kindness to everyone, unlike our current political leaders. This is a wonderful photo!

  2. Which Mr. Herman is he? Whoever, I congratulate him. By the way how high is Mt Sunflower

  3. I’m Jeff, good to meet all of you….

  4. Hi Hoovie, I always read your comments to Davy’s post when I don’t know what to say
    I believe you and he have your own language!

  5. I thought it was probably Steve. I’ll bet he really worked up a sweat going up to that plateau! And I always heard it was a flat state. Silly me.
    Hope you know I’m teasing :)

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