Summer Snapshot 2024

THEPOWERBROKERDave is currently
reading: The Power Broker
eating: sausages and potatoes on Tuesday nights
listening to: Sleep Baseball after 9pm
working: as a patient service representative in the urology clinic
(see updated photo in the “About” tab)

3 Responses to Summer Snapshot 2024

  1. … that a Gibson ukulele……

    • that’s a good eye you have there Hoove– it’s not a ukulele, but it IS modeled after a Gibson. A dear friend in Lincoln made tiny guitars for me years ago, and the pics you are referring to feature one of them. Joe has since passed away. He was 96 (I think) the man was a powerhouse.

  2. Nice gift, he was talented to be able to create such a guitar, nice to have. Awesome.

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