Happy Birthday Darla

darla lunch boxMy sister, Darla, had a plastic Snoopy and Woodstock lunchbox when we were growing up.  I remember it as vividly as my own (a metal Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote lunchbox).  I also remember wondering why she had a plastic one and if hers was better than mine. It was a typical little kid thought, and I was always comparing myself and my stuff to other people and their stuff.  I’m trying not to do that as much these days. Happy birthday Darla. You be you, and I’ll be me.  I love you.

Low Hanging Fruit

motivatedFor the record, I would never send poison to my critics.

Monstera’s Books

monsteraIt’s green and it feels like an oasis, a dreamscape, a place where my imagination can drift off without hitting anything harmful.  Monstera’s Books is a 10-minute walk from our house.  If I get hungry, I can walk next door and get 2 for 1 tacos at Torreador, which has been around since 1985.

World Down Syndrome Day

Today is World Down Syndrome Day.  This observance seeks to raise awareness, promote inclusion and advocate for individuals with Down syndrome.  The young dark-haired woman in the video above is Rachel Mast.  She transports patients at the health system where I work.

Danny Cox

dannycoxDanny Cox passed away earlier this month on March 7.  He had a magnetic presence, and I was honored to have met him.  I saw him perform as the Ghost of Christmas Present in ‘A Christmas Carol’ and I remember the nights I saw him play w/Terry Bohner at a local Mexican cantina.  I remember asking him how many more dates he was playing there, and he said, “we’ll be here until the snow flies.”  I’m glad I can still listen to interviews he gave on KCUR and find videos on YouTube, like this one from Folk Alliance International.  I will miss him.

Spring Equinox

SPRINGCan you believe it?  Today is the first day of Spring!  We knew it was coming, we set our clocks ahead one hour, I said “goodbye” to February, the days are already getting longer– but now it’s official!  The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, rabbits are jumping, Don Ho is strumming, aliens are hovering, it’s a great day to be alive!

I Am Dumont

DUMONTDumont is a character in the 1982 movie, Tron.  He is a “guardian” who stores and protects information.  He can swivel, talk, and look around, but he’s stuck in one spot for most of the movie.  It’s a light day at work, and I haven’t checked in many urology patients, but I have seen other patients out of the corner of my eye, swiveled, and answered their questions:
“Where is Orthopedics?”
“Where is Rheumatology?”
“Where is Neurology?”
“Where is Pediatrics?”
“Where is Pulmonary?”
Some days it takes a lot of patience and tact to do this job.


KHRUANGBINIt means “airplane” in Thailand.  The haunting reverberated guitar riffs sound like they’re coming from the other side of a sand dune, the bass is stalking its prey in the night, and the drums are syncopated rain drops.  I’m not sure exactly what I was originally trying to find online, but I wasn’t disappointed when I clicked on the psychedelic jams of Khruangbin.  The trio has been getting lost in songs since 2010.  If you’d like to join them in their audio wilderness you can go here.

Pi Day

PI DAYToday is March 14. It is National Pi Day because 3.14 is a mathematical constant, it’s the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, and it’s the one day in America that you will find free or discounted PIES!!!  Even if they are bite-sized.  The hospital started giving away pie bites at 11:00 today, and I was at the pie desk at 11:03 to get three bites for me, Deb (pictured above), and Ruby.

Over 40 Years

GUMBYThis Gumby has been riding with me since I got my driver’s license in 1982.  My best friend in high school brought him back from a trip he took to California.  I hung him (Gumby not Phil) on the rearview mirror of my first car, a 1974 Dodge Dart Swinger, and he’s either been on the mirror or in the glove compartment of every vehicle I’ve owned since then.  I captured this moment at Shawnee Mission Park after a dentist appointment.  It was still a little cool by the lake at noon, but me and Gumby drove around until it got up to the 70′s.