Messages From the Cosmos

i used to think feedback was something to be avoided. at some point that idea changed. here are some controlled feedback sounds i made using a delay pedal. of course once i broke out the implements of audio chaos i couldn’t stop at one recording… here’s another hit single from planet omega beep.

Play It Again, Tom

this song makes me wanna fall asleep on the hood of my ’69 impala, wake up next to a campfire, and eat eggs and bacon at 3am.

Tuesdays With Wanda

jenny & i drive to eudora every other tuesday to eat dinner and visit with our adopted mom, wanda mull. on valentine’s day we ate kentucky fried chicken (wanda’s favorite) and then went back to her room to sing hymns.

Mr. VoIP

mr. landline you have served us well over the last 4 decades, your daily presence has been dependable and mostly pleasant… but the increasing expenses of our firm make cutbacks like this one necessary. i’m afraid we have to let you go. let’s be honest, you had to see the writing on the wall when we hired mr. cell as a field representative. however, in an effort to make the transition smooth, we’ll keep you on until your replacement, mr. voip, has proved himself as a new member of our team. please accept this pen as a token of our gratitude.

Pick a Card, Any Card

the science night was a hit. all the kids that played with the speak & math, the beep-it, and the monotron had a fun time. i gave a couple of “business cards” to speechless adults who were mystified by the spectacle. as you can see from the pic above, i spared no expense.

Science Night

i was invited to give a presentation on circuit bending at the east antioch elementary science night… TONIGHT! the email said the event is “a big guys’ show and tell, where adults entertain the kids with personal hobbies, talents, or skills.” it will be cool if some of these kids get into circuit bending, it will be cooler if they give me their old toys.

The Replay Locomotive Picks Up Steam

danny williams and i resumed our podcast personas yesterday. dr. sleepwalk and captain fuzzbot will once again host the replay locomotive… as soon as i’m done editing the episode. here’s a sign of things to come.

Abracadiner is Back

abracadiner, the show you watch and go “huh?” the latest episode was recorded when molly and zeke visited a couple of weeks ago. this is the first half. a second half will follow… possibly a third. stay tuned.

The Kibosh

the threat of rain and a fender bender put the kibosh on my first fridays participation tonight… just in case any of you art loving stragglers ventured out and wondered where i was.

Distortion and Delay

wake the kids! call the neighbors! i just acquired two of the coolest effect pedals ever!  i’ll be playing multiple instruments through distortion and delay pedals this friday night at 7pm in the crossroads art district. if you hear something that sounds like an alien invasion… it’s just me. i’ll be next to a big orange truck in front of hammerpress.