Just One More Sketch

PETER FALKEven if he’d never played the rumpled cigar smoking (seemingly) absent-minded detective, Columbo, this would STILL be a great photo of Peter Falk.  I can imagine him falling asleep after sketching for hours, waking up and sketching some more, and only leaving his sofa/bed for food or thumbtacks to hang more sketches on the wall.

Not Empty Yet

awkward_family_photo_gameWe thought the well was dry, we thought the pantry was bare, the thought the gas tank was empty — we were wrong.  Awkward Family Photos released a game a few weeks ago to recycle more embarrassing photos to coincide with movies that came out when I was a teenager.  Heaven help us (that was an 80′s movie, too.)

A Little Bit Is Enough

This song always chokes me up.  I was listening to it on my walk across campus this morning & if someone would have said ‘hey man are you ok?’ I would have shrugged my shoulders and looked the other way.  I don’t know how the lead singer gets through it without crying.  Two other great songs by this band are All Your Favorite Bands and Time Spent In Los Angeles.  The music videos are really cool too.

Stacked & Reborn

tetris firstA teenager beat a 40-year-old video game.  If I had just stopped writing that sentence before adding “video game,” at the end, it would be disturbing– but I think it’s cool that a youngster was still drawn to a game that was in arcades when I was a young man. Here’s the story.


mapacheMapache performed on KEXP in 2018– but they sounded like a band from Laurel Canyon in the 1970′s to me.  This is that performance.

Easy On The Eyes

I check patients in and out of a clinic all day, and when my eyes get tired of looking at doctor’s appointments, I go to a campfire.

The Elusive Hold Music

fishy phoneListen, hold, repeat.  I was listening to a repeat episode of This American Life, and was reacquainted with hold music that I wouldn’t mind hearing again.  It’s good to know there are soul mates who will go the distance to help someone find a song that should have faded into obscurity.  Here’s the link to the episode, the hold music story is right after the prologue about a 7-year-old vegetarian who is trying to stop his little brother from eating meat.

Later Than Postcards

Here are a few vacation pics from our trip to the Indiana dunes…
diana hike dune-this is on the lakeside of the Diana Dune
cigar-listening to a podcast & smoking a $5 cigar in our screened in porch
fog (1)-supermoon rising over the fog
sundown hues-sundown on Washington Beach
there are more pics coming when you least expect them

Summer Snapshot 2024

THEPOWERBROKERDave is currently
reading: The Power Broker
eating: sausages and potatoes on Tuesday nights
listening to: Sleep Baseball after 9pm
working: as a patient service representative in the urology clinic
(see updated photo in the “About” tab)

Free To Be Weird

flag superimposed on HSTThe fourth episode of Audio Flare Gun went live a few minutes ago.  I had a small window to declare my independence while Jenny took a nap.  It was the perfect opportunity to record four songs for the fourth show on the Fourth of July.  Huh… it feels cooler now than it did in high school to write a “theme.”  Although this one doesn’t have to be 175 words and graded by a teacher who would rather be taking a nap.