Angie Had A Little Lamb

mary hadda littleangie (my rocket grant partner and surrogate daughter) came over a few days ago, and took a few stacks of records from our house. i probably accumulated five or six hundred LP’s over the last 15 years, and that’s not counting 45′s! when i realized that i would like some extra space in our little house, i asked her if she wanted any vinyl. while she was here i showed her my latest electronic purchases: the office and arcade pocket operators. after a little instruction, angie was able to play this familiar tune by pushing one button, and twisting one knob to alter the pitch. my only contribution to this track is the camera shutter clicks.

Little Baltimore Playmate

meandandi2yesterday was my sister-in-law’s birthday. a couple of weeks ago i promised her that i would upload a certain video soon. i’m usually pretty lazy, so i kicked myself into gear to get it online yesterday. the video is andi (and me) singing our altered verses of the little playmate song.

My Old Car In Film Noir

swingerthe first car i ever owned was my parents’ 1974 dodge dart swinger. it had a V-8 engine that left a lot of cars in the dust. it wasn’t built to last, it was built for speed & you don’t see very many of them on the road these days. well i just watched the american side on netflix, and my old dodge is in most of it (see above). the movie itself is pretty cheesy with a throwback 1940′s private eye feel, but it has a story that starts (and ends) with a low rent detective driving my old car and playing pinball… so yeah, i’ll watch it again.

I’ve Been Robloxed!

ROBLOXmebetterlightingjoshua  (my guitar student & music video production assistant) has his own youtube channel where he makes roblox animations. if you’ve never seen one, just imagine lego people with sound effects. the pic above is from joshua’s latest video, foggy with a chance of fart juice. it’s a 3 minute recap about the time i demonstrated my fog machine for joshua and his brother wes.

Lost Music On A Lamp Post

IMG_20160725_194728last monday night was the first time in weeks it didn’t feel like an oven outside. i texted joshua, my guitar student & music video production assistant, to see if he wanted to run some errands in my un-air conditioned jeep. as we headed west on santa fe we saw a bag of “lost music” taped to a lamp post. inside was a handful of sheet music for piano students.IMG_20160725_200144i’ll admit, i don’t have a good excuse for grabbing someone else’s stuff, except that it’s HIGHLY unlikely that the real owner would ever show up, and i’ll just confess now that i really wanted to see what was in that bag!

Still Reeling From All The Attention

DCIM100MEDIAi was almost ready to stop making posts about my last birthday, but then my mom recently commented that she wanted to see the photos and videos from my 50th birthday party a couple of saturdays ago. well mom there’s one pic above, and you can click here to see 71 more. videos are coming soon. a big thanks to maja for running the camera!

They Had My Number & It Was 50

DCIM100MEDIAi turned 50 a few days ago. my wife put together a party last saturday & invited some friends and family. we didn’t pin the tail on the donkey, or give a spanking for each year that had passed– both of those stopped happening after my family left california. however, part of last saturday’s activities included putting name tags all over me. each guest was asked to write a word or phrase that described “dave.” that’s mom, me, and my sister in the pic above.

Night Of The Living Geezers

channel84tvyears ago tom geeding and i created an online cartoon strip about a fictitious TV station and called it channel 84. i’m not sure i even owned a computer at the time. it seems like i was always driving to the library to send him an email. his youngest son michael bought the rights to channel 84, and turned it into a gaming podcast. last week he interviewed us, and we talked about a lot of stuff including the show’s humble origins. pictured above from left to right: tom, nick (tom’s oldest son), me, and michael.

The Fairman Brothers

fairman_bros_U2eyyesterday i waited until the storms passed to pick up wesley and joshua. they are helping me put together a music video that i’ve been wanting to make for a long time. we bought some high density fog juice from a cashier who thought i was asking for “fart juice.” sunday night they both watched a ton of 80′s videos by artists like gary numan, falco, kim wilde, and alphaville. keep checking back to see our finished product!

My Second Teenage Engineering Synth

officeandarcadei was having SO much fun with my first teenage engineering synth that i bought another one. the new one is on the left. it is the PO-24 office, and it can be synced with the PO-20 arcade (as pictured above). if you look at each screen you can also see a clock function. i took this picture at 6:59pm. here’s a two minute recording i made using both of these synths.