Where Sam & Robert Know Our Names

cheersjenny & i got married 30 years ago today. last night we went to the hotel where we stayed our first night as a married couple. a lot of things have changed downtown since then. the italian gardens restaurant is gone, and the sheraton is now the aladdin hotel. we went upstairs to a little bar & met robert and sam. robert was our bartender, and sam was just a friendly guy on our side of the bar. that downtown hotel is still a cool place to check in.

Hold On Loosely

big brutusi bought my big brutus travel mug so long ago they don’t even sell it any more at the little gift shop in west mineral. sometimes it goes missing, and i wonder if it has a mind of its own & it’s trying to get back home. i can’t count all the times i’ve forgotten where i put it. i should have lost this thing years ago. one day i left it at the coffeehouse, and a customer brought it up to the register and said “look at this cool travel mug i found!” you could see the disappointment in his face when i said “i knew it had to be around here somewhere, sorry bud, that’s mine.”

Wish We Were Here

found an old postcard image & messed around with it until it looked like this:revampedREALISTIC
this is what the top part looked like before editing:original croppedwhen i tell people that i do this type of editing on microsoft paint, they either roll their eyes or act impressed. i know there is such a thing called photoshop, but there’s also such a thing called doing more with less.

5 Years Ago Today…

5 years ago…i made a post about a t-shirt that looked like donkey kong and felt like ghostbusters– but did i buy it? sadly, no. my stomach has been stretching out a lot of t-shirts lately, and i didn’t want to add that one to the list. maybe after i get my cholesterol down & drop a few pounds i’ll get donkey puft.

A Little Under The Weather

where-the-buffalo-roammy throat started feeling a little sore yesterday. waking up at 4:20 this morning was a MAJOR accomplishment. fortunately there was a constant onslaught of customers to deal with. one of them chatted with my co-worker as i stood at the register. after awhile he said “oh i’m sorry, you’ve been waiting patiently for me to order haven’t you?” i responded, “i’m just waiting for the sweet release of death.” if we had any weather to be under that’s where i would be.

When The Jam Gets Weird…

adalentekids…the weird start singing in a fake chevy chase voice. that’s what i did anyway during a E minor to C jam with gabby, cesar, luna, and tenoch on mango and play-doh. earlier the kids explored music & sounds on the theremin & tiny casio. is it strange that i showed them how to play star wars & they showed me how to play beethoven’s ode to joy?

What The What?

shockedmonday i posted a picture of bill murray on my blog & facebook page. it was a screen shot of him from “the razor’s edge.” i casually asked if anyone could name the movie because i only expected my film nerd friends to know the answer. i was shocked and giddy when i saw steve spears‘ comment:FB spears commentspears has hosted my favorite podcast, stuck in the 80′s, for the last 12 years. during most of that time i’ve listened to him share stories & talk to huey lewis, cyndi lauper, molly ringwald, and 3 of the original MTV veejays. swapping comments with him on facebook was super mega awesome, and if that makes me sound like a fanboy… so be it. spearsy, if you’re reading this, don’t blush– just bask & keep on doing what you’re doing. SIDENOTE: i don’t want all of this attention i’m giving steve spears to diminish all of the social media interaction i’ve had w/co-host brad williams– brad is awesome & always answers my emails, comments, and messages… steve just seems so much more reclusive so i had to gush when he left a comment on my facebook page!

Normal… Not Normal

normali walk past this storefront almost every tuesday, and i do love art… but today i loved flatulent humor even more…not normal

Beat The Heat & Go Beep Thursday!

lackman librarywhat happens when you put together:
1 piano made from 12 vegetables
1 theremin with 39 sound effects
a bunch of kids from 4 – 14 years old
you get BEEP GOES THE WEASEL at the ¡Adelante! Read! Summer program at Central Resource Library Thursday afternoon from 1-3pm!!! if you want to learn how to play Smoke On The Water or the Star Wars theme on carrots & celery, we’ll be waiting for you!

I’ve Been To The Mountain

razorsedgemurray friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears… oh wait, you did that already! the turnout of family & friends that came to the motel mancini show saturday night was overwhelming. thanks everyone! plans are already in the works for another day of wine and roses. oh, and a big thanks to my family for cramming in as much food & fun as we did in the course of a weekend!