Electric Coffee… YES!

laura clark made me aware of this video on facebook because she loves coffee and i love gadgets… and now i sing the coffee electric.

DIY Wifi Extension

wifi extenderafter having problems keeping my wireless roku connected to my router, i checked out my options. these guys made a video showing how to make an wifi extender with aluminum foil. i think i can do that.

The Kaossilator

KAOSSILATORjerry ponzer is letting me borrow his kaossilator… oh man… this thing is amazing. i will be uploading audio soon. thanks jerry.

Clear Lake, IA

clear lakejune was a super busy month, we went on vacation, hosted an 80s dance party for our anniversary, and did plenty of other stuff that eats up a month… so that’s why it has taken a long time to get another postcard show recorded, edited, and uploaded. we did this one while we were camping out in clear lake, ia. why clear lake you ask? it was cheaper than going to michigan and the surf ballroom is there. click here for show #6.

Cuke & Squash Debut @ First Fridays

thanks to all the folks who played vegetables with me at first fridays last night. i grabbed a cucumber & bag of carrots out of the ‘fridge, then went to the grocery store for a butternut squash, and hooked them all up to the makey makey. i’ve played carrots before, but this was the first time for a cucumber and squash. almost everybody who passed by wanted to play veggies. some girl even told me how much she loves weird stuff like this and gave me two bucks.

Snap Crackle Boom

Firecrackersexplosions are going off in the neighborhood as i write this. it’s the fourth of july. tomorrow night i’ll be the one making startling noises at first fridays because of mondo beep.


FB 80s party picthanks to everyone who came to our (mine and jenny’s) 25th anniversary 80s dance party last saturday night, and thanks for all the cards & well wishes we’ve received over the last few days. we feel VERY fortunate to have all of you as friends and family.

Coffee in a Cabin

jenny & i are camped out at a state park in clear lake, ia. we found a cool little coffee place that was just a few minutes away from our tent where we could eat bagels and drink fresh roasted coffee.

Donkey Puft

donkey puft
i paid money to see ghostbusters at least 5 times in theaters. i spent an obscene amount of quarters playing donkey kong in the 80s. what’s another eleven bucks for this t-shirt? temptation, thy name is tee fury.

I Got My MTV

human-leaguebought a roku a couple of days ago. one of the channels i can stream to my tv now is VEVO! VEVO is home to 75,000+ music videos, many of which were made in the 1980′s. i found a way to take back my old MTV.