My Imaginary Band

x-circa-1982sometimes i wonder if i would have played in a punk band if anybody had asked me to join one. i mean seriously, most of those groups got signed to contracts while the members were still learning to play. if i had known THAT i would have gotten in front of a crowd with a guitar that i didn’t know how to play. here is a song about a fictitious band called the blankomatics. here are the lyrics:
the blood looked real enough
when the drummer fell down
his legs kicked the snare
and his arm hit the cymbal

and when the strobe lights came on
the fog was thick on the floor
the band played songs
no one ever heard before
and everybody stayed
with confusion on their faces

the night
the blankomatics took the stage
everyone looked
much younger than their age

the night
the blankomatics took the stage
no one knew
but they should have been afraid
–ok, these lyrics are NOT biographical, but shouldn’t everyone have a story like this in their past?

The Booktree

booktreethere’s the charlie brown christmas tree, there’s the family living room christmas tree… and then there’s the johnson county central resource library christmas book tree. hey! do you see what i see? kafka’s metamorphosis is right behind the star!

Merry Christmas From The Poletes

insideoutsideopencardross and his daughters kate & grace used to come to homer’s when i worked afternoons. the girls were a lot smaller then, and we would draw cartoons together when i wasn’t busy w/customers. monday morning ross handed me this christmas card.

Another Family Business Goes “See Ya!”

cryandlaughi ate my last glazed doughnut from john’s space-age donut shop yesterday morning. this independent enterprise opened two years before the first man walked on the moon. the owners tried to sell the shop after 50 years of selling doughnuts and coffee, but it looks like overland park’s private sugar source is going away & blasting off for the last time. see you on the dark side of the moon.

Really? Bigfoot??

bigNETFLIXfootfriday afternoon i got an email from netflix that said david, we just added a documentary you might like… when i saw that it was about bigfoot, i said to myself “really?” it wasn’t an awestruck full of wonder kind “really?” that i said, it was more of a disappointed oh brother kind of “really?” i was full of wonder and awe when dad and i saw a documentary about bigfoot in binger, oklahoma. that was in the 1970′s, and a lot of reality has happened since then.

The Human Clock Is Still Ticking

warrensburgHUMANCLOCKthe human clock has been around for 16+ years, and there is a picture for EVERY minute of the day and night, submitted by humans from all over the world! to read more about it just click here. i had it up on my laptop yesterday, and got excited when i saw someone from warrensburg, mo! years ago i was on an earlier version of the human clock every night at 7:00. i was holding a JOE COOL skateboard upside down and obscuring everything except the last three letters. “OOL” flipped upside down looks like 700 or 7:00.

A Christmas Story Again

christmasstory2017we watched a christmas story with the frierdichs and janouscheks again last night! when we first started the tradition 11 years ago, there were just five of us (mike, connie, christy, jenny, and me) now there are 8! baby kaitlyn’s head isn’t normally that big, josh was taking a panorama shot with his phone, and she widened out. wish i could say the same thing about my fat neck.

Uncharted By Chloé

uncharteredbychloelast night homer’s hosted SIP & SHOP, an event where local vendors have booths to show handmade crafts. chloé had a cool jewelry display on the performance stage. she’s been making jewelry for awhile now, and recently finished a college course to study it further. the last time i saw her creative flair she was a teenager making wigs for her dogs. she has come a long way.

Pop Art

wallpopthe current artist at homer’s has painted figures from all corners of the pop world: prince, einstein, tiger woods, and kenny rogers. i just saw the painting of the man who wrote songs like coward of the county and the gambler– but this is the song that i thought would sound cool if the painting could come to life every time an attractive woman stopped to admire it… sort of like that bass that sings take me to the river when someone pushes a button.

Monster In The Mist

return-of-the-giant-monsters-1967-gamerayears ago someone showed me how to record vocal and instrument tracks right on my computer. i went through a prolific phase where any idea that popped in my head would usually turn into a song. here’s one that i did during that period:
he walked like a cat outside the window
he always took his time
at the end of the day
when the sun went down
he was still walkin’
head in the clouds
dreamin’ about
motel neon
desert phone booths
some scratchy records
old arcades…

sometimes he sees it
like a monster in the mist
he knows it’s only real to him
a clap of thunder
and his clothes are getting wet
he knows it’s only real to him

and here’s a track that joshua fairman and i recorded sunday after eating jack in the box tacos & hanging out at the arcade.