Mathematics Bend Again

rocket shottonight mondo beep returns to its new location, under the rocket. now if you show up and i’m not exactly under the rocket, then take a few steps east on 18th street. we’ll be between baltimore and main. tonight i’m bringing the speak and math back out of retirement. it will be a fun time for number stumpers, greater than less than, word problems, and much more!

The Most Dangerous Match

most dangerous matchjenny & i watched columbo on netflix last night. the most dangerous match is an episode where columbo’s murder suspect is a deaf chess champion– but in my opinion, the writers of the show got kinda sloppy on this story. the killer’s would-be victim survives a deadly garbage chute tumble, then dies a couple of days later when his meds are screwed up in the hospital. columbo gets the deaf chess champ to incriminate himself at the end, but it’s a stretch.

The Art of Mondo Beep

IU mondo with text the parade was canceled, and scattered thunderstorms held back crowds that would have attended the fall festival in old OP today. it was still cold and wet when i set up the mondo beep gear for the interurban fall art party this afternoon– but that didn’t stop friends and their kids from playing carrots, casio, and circuit bent toys. thanks to nick carswell and all the good folks at interurban art house for braving the elements and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.

Mondo Beep Goes InterUrban

interurbanthe good people at interurban art house asked if i could do the mondo beep thing at their fall art party this saturday… well YEAH! i was grilling nick’s avocado turkey club sandwich when he said, “we’re having a bunch of performers outside our gallery this saturday, do you want to join the lineup?” and i said “sure.”

It’s Hermit Time

snoopyi’ve been flying solo since jenny left to visit her sister this morning– except for when josh frierdich helped me sand and prime the front of the house. now it’s time to be anti-social, light a fire in the chimenea, and watch the moon rise.

Reggie Watts

this guy is my new hero. thanks to glenn for introducing me to the A.V. Club. thanks to the A.V. Club’s undercover series for featuring reggie watts.

8-Bit Camera

8bit homei recently acquired new technology that could expand my knowledge to indefinite boundaries. i bought a smartphone. one of the first apps i got was the 8-bit camera. now i know what my home would look like in an old video game.

Had a Blast Off

laura piclast night mondo beep moved to a new location: east of 18th and baltimore. being under the rocket was definitely a good move. pedestrian traffic was high, and alot of people stopped to play carrots and a banana through the laptop. jerry and laura stayed with me twisting knobs and throwing switches until 9pm. thanks to everyone who came out to play.

Under the Rocket

the rocketjust a quick reminder that mondo beep will be at a new location tonight: under the rocket. this is what the corner of 18th and baltimore looks like in kansas city, mo. the white arrow is pointing to the spot that jerry, laura, and i will occupy from 6-9:30pm. maybe we’ll see you there!

Pancho Villa

pancho villaafter a couple of months off, our little audio series is back in production. the last postcards from home episode was posted back in july, and last night jenny said we need to record another one. here is show #7. if you want to listen to the previous shows, go here. hey go check your mailbox because this postcard might be coming to you!