
mapacheMapache performed on KEXP in 2018– but they sounded like a band from Laurel Canyon in the 1970′s to me.  This is that performance.

Easy On The Eyes

I check patients in and out of a clinic all day, and when my eyes get tired of looking up info on a computer screen, I go to a cyber campfire.

The Elusive Hold Music

fishy phoneListen, hold, repeat.  I was listening to a repeat episode of This American Life, and was reacquainted with hold music that I wouldn’t mind hearing again.  It’s good to know there are soul mates who will go the distance to help someone find a song that should have faded into obscurity.  Here’s the link to the episode, the hold music story is right after the prologue about a 7-year-old vegetarian who is trying to stop his little brother from eating meat.

Later Than Postcards

Here are a few vacation pics from our trip to the Indiana dunes…
diana hike dune-this is on the lakeside of the Diana Dune
cigar-listening to a podcast & smoking a $5 cigar in our screened in porch
fog (1)-supermoon rising over the fog
sundown hues-sundown on Washington Beach
there are more pics coming when you least expect them

Summer Snapshot 2024

THEPOWERBROKERDave is currently
reading: The Power Broker
eating: sausages and potatoes on Tuesday nights
listening to: Sleep Baseball after 9pm
working: as a patient service representative in the urology clinic
(see updated photo in the “About” tab)

Free To Be Weird

flag superimposed on HSTThe fourth episode of Audio Flare Gun went live a few minutes ago.  I had a small window to declare my independence while Jenny took a nap.  It was the perfect opportunity to record four songs for the fourth show on the Fourth of July.  Huh… it feels cooler now than it did in high school to write a “theme.”  Although this one doesn’t have to be 175 words and graded by a teacher who would rather be taking a nap.

A Hazy Shade of Summer

NOAA WEATHER MAPMy nostalgia kicked in when I pulled this image up from the National Weather Service.  The only thing missing is a weather man in a plaid suit moving those H’s and L’s around with his bare hands.  Years ago, Tim Andersen told me about the stripped-down retro look of this particular website.  I will always be grateful.

Balance Test

Today the world. Tomorrow a paper route.

Hey Diddle Diddle…

flying cowIt was a good night for a walk.  It was a BETTER night for gelato!  We walked around the neighborhood last night and found The Flying Cow– that’s when we went over the moon!  I had a Key Lime gelato and Jenny had Pistacchio.  Mine was so good I went back for Toasted Coconut… that’s when my double chin started to grow back.  This place also reminds me of the baby blanket that Mom made me where the dish ran away with the spoon.

The Swamp in Topeka

TOPEKA SWAMPIt looks just like it did on TV, right down to the dart board on the door.  I found out yesterday that there is a replica of The Swamp from M*A*S*H in Topeka!  The next time I’m in Topeka, I’m putting on my cowboy hat & bathrobe so I can feel at home at the Museum of the Kansas National Guard.  Until then I’ll just have to take a virtual tour while I sip some gin at home.  Big thanks to Jeff & Ryan, the hosts of MASH Matters for including this in their latest podcast!