I Am Dumont

DUMONTDumont is a character in the 1982 movie, Tron.  He is a “guardian” who stores and protects information.  He can swivel, talk, and look around, but he’s stuck in one spot for most of the movie.  It’s a light day at work, and I haven’t checked in many urology patients, but I have seen other patients out of the corner of my eye, swiveled, and answered their questions:
“Where is Orthopedics?”
“Where is Rheumatology?”
“Where is Neurology?”
“Where is Pediatrics?”
“Where is Pulmonary?”
Some days it takes a lot of patience and tact to do this job.


KHRUANGBINIt means “airplane” in Thailand.  The haunting reverberated guitar riffs sound like they’re coming from the other side of a sand dune, the bass is stalking its prey in the night, and the drums are syncopated rain drops.  I’m not sure exactly what I was originally trying to find online, but I wasn’t disappointed when I clicked on the psychedelic jams of Khruangbin.  The trio has been getting lost in songs since 2010.  If you’d like to join them in their audio wilderness you can go here.

Pi Day

PI DAYToday is March 14. It is National Pi Day because 3.14 is a mathematical constant, it’s the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, and it’s the one day in America that you will find free or discounted PIES!!!  Even if they are bite-sized.  The hospital started giving away pie bites at 11:00 today, and I was at the pie desk at 11:03 to get three bites for me, Deb (pictured above), and Ruby.

Over 40 Years

GUMBYThis Gumby has been riding with me since I got my driver’s license in 1982.  My best friend in high school brought him back from a trip he took to California.  I hung him (Gumby not Phil) on the rearview mirror of my first car, a 1974 Dodge Dart Swinger, and he’s either been on the mirror or in the glove compartment of every vehicle I’ve owned since then.  I captured this moment at Shawnee Mission Park after a dentist appointment.  It was still a little cool by the lake at noon, but me and Gumby drove around until it got up to the 70′s.

The Torpedo Proof Chair

99 percent invisible EMECO CHAIRMom, I think your chairs in the sunroom are a knock-off version of an insanely sturdy chair that was created in war time.  I recently discovered that in the 1940′s  Wilton C. Dinges designed an aluminum chair for the U.S. Navy that was “fireproof, waterproof, lightweight and strong enough to survive a torpedo blast.”  You can hear or read the story on 99% Invisible.

Invader is Everywhere

INVADERWho is Invader?  He is a creative force that mounts and displays a wide variety of 8-bit art all over the world.  The one pictured above literally orbits the world inside a satellite.  I can’t remember how I heard about Invader, but it had to be a podcast.  He has been leaving his pixelated presence since 1998.  Check his work out here.

Hey Bird Dog!

everlybroshomeMarijo told us The Everly Brothers’ childhood home is in Shenandoah, IA.  She drove by one of the signs for it on her way down from Lincoln.  I looked it up and Jenny & I could jump in the car and be there in 2 1/2 hours!  All these years I had no idea I was this close to it.  Now all I have to do is dreeee-eee-eeeam until we make a daytrip up there.

Earth-y & Space-y

junglespacedDJThe 5th episode of AUDIO FLARE GUN is up!  Many thanks to the recording artists who sent their work, or made it available in the public domain.  It feels great to flip the switch that turns on the LIVE ON AIR neon sign (thanks Mom!) and make all of this happen.  Click here to listen to the show that feels “earth-y” and “space-y.”

Who Loves The Sun?

radar in the sunWe love the sun here in the Midwest– at least we love it now because it’s a welcome change.  The daytime highs just got above freezing two weeks ago.  We’ll love the sun until we start complaining about it again like we do every year.  Eventually someone will say something when it’s 10 degrees warmer than they think it should be.  Later in August we will all step outside and our bodies will feel like unwashed waffle irons soaking in a steam bath.  And we’ll smell like them too.  I’ve never understood complaints about the weather.  We’ll welcome the cloudy days and cooler temps in September– but right now we love the sun.


waterslide nunsYour suit could tear, you could get a concussion, you could dislocate your shoulder, you could hurt someone else if you land wrong… BE CAREFUL!!!  These are the voices in my head.  Obsessing about potential dangers, injuries, and humiliations can suck all the fun out of life.  It’s the first day of March & soon the weather will be warm enough to splash next to a nun at the pool.  I pray for the courage and spontaneity to do just that.  Amen.