Do You Hear What I Hear?

my wife and i have lived at our current address for over 13 years now, and i have become very familiar with the sights, the smells, and particularly the SOUNDS of my house. this morning there was a strange rattle i had never heard before coming from the water heater. i immediately thought “something is gonna have to get fixed,” so i recorded the sound with my mp3 player. i figured this would be better than trying to describe the sound to a repair man. a minute later, the same sound came from the furnace. that’s when i remembered a story that a friend told me years ago, about a woodpecker on his house. when i went outside, there WAS a woodpecker, but he flew away before i could throw something at him.

Ash Wednesday

On a Header Whim

i love the fact that i can change the “header” on this blog. it took me awhile to figure out how to do it. the image above is one of many that i’ll mess around with by sticking a cartoon somewhere in it (or a floating head) and use the resulting image as a header at the top of the page. this picture is from a collection of retro future works done by Klaus Bürgle.

Custom Paper Toys

jenny & i went to a birthday party for twin boys i used to babysit. they are 8 years old, and we weren’t sure what presents to bring, so i downloaded some paper toys from a friend’s website. it took me most of the afternoon to cut, fold, and glue them together… but i felt a REAL sense of accomplishment when they were done. thanks matt for letting me benefit from your creative genius.

Scary Carnival

as promised, here’s the mp3 that danny & i worked on yesterday. he laid down a few tracks before he had to go & run some errands. i added some stuff to it this morning, then i mixed some audio from a homemade calliope with crowd noise at a real carnival… that part sounds kinda normal, then it sounds like danny & i took the whole thing down a dark alley and beat the snot out of it. this one will also be added to the list of mp3′s on the day of mars page. see you on the ferris wheel.


jenny & i caught a glimpse of life on the farm at my sister’s house

Caution Ignored

when i finished a morning shift at homer’s yesterday, danny williams was sleeping in his car in front of my house. i woke him up and within a few minutes he threw caution (and his ill health) to the wind, and then proceeded to record some cool riffs. we had some problems getting it on the hard drive (the recording software kept crashing), but we managed to piece together some stuff that sounds like a nightmarish carnival. i’ll post an mp3 soon.

Weddings and Funerals

am i the only one who confuses weddings with funerals? it’s not that i think someone’s life ends when they get married… well, technically the single life comes to an end, i guess, but that is usually a welcome change. what i mean is you attend both occasions in a church (usually), you get dressed up for both, most of the time there is quiet music and flowers, and someone gets up in front of everybody to say things before you all leave together. there are just too many similarities. i never wear a suit except for a wedding or a funeral, it’s easy to get them mixed up sometimes. i have the same problem with lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners.

I Love Rejects

taco bell does a cool thing with their hot sauce packets. they put quotes on each one as if the sauce packet was talking to you. normally they say things like “ahhh we meet again!” or “when i grow up i want to be a water bed.” i don’t know who has the job of writing these, but i’m kinda jealous. one day i thought of rejected sauce packet quotes, and made a list. then i lost the list and forgot all of the quotes except for the one above.

El Paso

my dad used to eat here

last month i stayed with my dad for a few days in el paso. he drove me around in his truck and it felt like old times. before i was old enough to drive, it seemed like we were always going somewhere in his truck. this time we visited with relatives, went to cemeteries, and cool old places in downtown el paso.