In Due Time

there have been so many events to record on the blog that i’m NOT going to do it now. must keep priorities straight, and maintain a regular regimen of clockwork downtime. but if everyone is patient for a few more days, there will be stories of: bachelor parties, sleep deprivation, power tools, auto repair, and a new podcast. but until then, i must recharge my mental batteries and resume MST3K’s riffing on kitten with a whip.

Anonymous Coffee Quotes

here are a few anonymous quotes about coffee. somebody said it but we don’t know who it was. i don’t know why someone wouldn’t want to own up to them.

“I make serious coffee – so strong it wakes up the neighbors.”
“A morning without coffee is like sleep.”
“Man does not live by coffee alone. Have a danish.”
“Do I like my coffee black? There are other colors?”
“Given enough coffee, I could rule the world.”
“Retirement is one great big giant coffee break.”

Last Couple of Days

yesterday jenny & i walked to an arts festival and the farmer’s market in old overland park. on our way there we cashed out a coin box that we keep for that type of an occasion. with a little over $20 we had enough money to buy some vegetables to make BLT’s. we also stopped at epg imaging and talked to bryan niezer. he’s married to cyndi, and she used to stop by homer’s with their kids. bryan told us that the city was letting people walk around with open containers of alcohol at the arts festival… apparently that was a first for the state of kansas.
later that night we drove to a campground outside of topeka. it had a pool that reminded me of the one at thunderbird motel where i worked one summer in 1985. we managed to start a campfire before the thunderstorms came. we also found out that gas was 20 cents cheaper in topeka… after we filled up in overland park. this morning we drove back home & called my dad to wish him a happy father’s day.

Headbutts on ‘Mars’

last tuesday was full of magic and promise when danny williams and i FINALLY had a chance to put our heads together and record a new track for the day of mars project. we think it’s our best effort… heck it even sounds like a real band. with a nod to dick dale and old motorcycle gang movies, here’s the hard limit.

B/W Movies = AM Radio?

one of my friends who has a big TV with theater sound told me that “watching black and white movies is like listening to AM radio,” he didn’t care to do either. i don’t think he ever saw dead men don’t wear plaid, steve martin’s cinematic love letter to film noir.

Paradise Is One Hour Away

jenny & i checked out some places to camp out on smithville lake this afternoon. it only took an hour to drive there, and one of the campgrounds is close to a beach. on the way back home we stopped at the paradise general store to use the restroom (the actual lock is a piece of wood on the door frame that swivels), and buy some snacks.

One Practice Before the Gig

chris and i went over some songs last night that we’re going to play at homer’s tonight. this is usually how we operate. we only practice one night before the gig. we’ve been playing together for over 20 years, so the familiarity is there. the other night  i watched the joe strummer documentary, the future is unwritten. i  LOVED the bits where people are talking and singing around a campfire. if it didn’t violate city codes, we’d make one at homer’s.

Happy Birthday Dad!

just called my dad to wish him a happy birthday. in the past i would get the date confused with father’s day since both numbers are teens and in the same month. if two things are too close together in my head, the inevitable mix up results in my condolences at a wedding or congratulations at a funeral. anyway, today IS celebratory the last time i checked… so… i hope you get to do something fun today, dad… without any condolences from me.

The Jingle in My Head

“nice” or “niiiiice” is the word that everybody uses now. Bob – “how was your trip?” Phil - “it rained the whole time.” Bob – “nice.” it doesn’t matter if someone has good fortune or bad luck, they get the same response. it’s like everyone’s original thoughts and emotions were sucked out of them like a scene from invasion of the body snatchers. i don’t say “nice” anymore, but there are telltale signs of my own brainwashing… i still hum commercial jingles that were drilled into my head 30 years ago.

Eddie Lives

when i was making a list of things to buy at sam’s this morning, kelly dooley saw that i was wearing an eddie delahunt t-shirt. found out she knows him too. at the end of my shift, john eddy dropped in to do some work on his laptop. and then after dinner christy and josh came over to watch eddie and the cruisers. after the movie we sent them home with a cucumber. eddie lives.