The Buckle Opener

there you gofound this item at an antique store in greenfield, ia. apparently it’s a dual purpose belt buckle that can also open bottles. i paid $3.50 for it.

Bounce Snap and Click

the video above recounts some of the shenanigans we witnessed this last weekend. i also bought a belt buckle that doubles as a bottle opener, and received a $100 laptop that i will use to play carrots, pizza, license plates, and people.

The Talking Whiz Kid Plus

this is the latest circuit bend-able item i picked up at the thrift store. cost? $2. someone posted a picture of the circuit board online so that helped to figure out where to solder. the sounds in the video are currently triggered by one toggle switch. i’ll attach more of them later.

First Fridays With The Makey Makey

i’ve dragged alot of weird instruments out to the street for mondo beep: beep it, monotron, TI speak and math, casio VL-1, etc. more than a few pedestrians have stopped and played with me in the last 15 months, but i’ve never had as many people interested as i did two nights ago when i was playing circuit bent sounds through 6 carrots and a slice of pizza. i borrowed a friend’s laptop, hooked it up to the makey makey, and alligator clipped it to the food. success.

Easter Weekend

wax on egggot to spend easter weekend with my family in southwest missouri. we colored easter eggs, watched some serious easter egg hunting, took ALOT of pictures and played shang hai (a card game) at my mother’s house. it was pretty awesome.

The Wheat State

the second episode of postcards from home is up! on this show jenny & i talk about a postcard from kansas aka the wheat state. click here to listen, and check your mailbox for a postcard from us.

Postcards #2 Preview

jenny & i recorded more material for our audio series, postcards from home. click here forĀ  a preview. the next full episode should be up in a few days. thanks for all the positive feedback so far.

Things Just Got Weirder

i bought this thing that can hijack a keyboard. i’m not sure i’ll ever use it to it’s full potential, but it should turn a few heads when i use it for mondo beep. if you’re wondering how i did this, click here… if you’re wondering why i did this, i can’t help you.

Postcards From Home

postcards from home is a new audio series where jenny & i talk about old postcards and then mail one of them to someone. the idea came to me last week during a visit from my parents. we looked through a shoebox of old postcards that provided alot of entertainment. i didn’t want to write anything until we had actually recorded something. listen to it here, or click below.

Earth City

i ordered another gadget for mondo beep last friday. the makey makey will result in performance art with fruit, vegetables, and other household items. i’m tracking it on apparently it was shipped from massachusetts, and it arrived at a fedex station in earth city, mo around 9:00 last night. i wonder who got to name the town, “earth city.” should a planet have a city named after it? maybe it would be a good ruse if aliens invade, believing that they need to occupy earth city, the very heart of the earth… only to find out that they are in a far flung suburb way outside of st. louis. yeah, the joke would be on them.