Had a Blast Off

laura piclast night mondo beep moved to a new location: east of 18th and baltimore. being under the rocket was definitely a good move. pedestrian traffic was high, and alot of people stopped to play carrots and a banana through the laptop. jerry and laura stayed with me twisting knobs and throwing switches until 9pm. thanks to everyone who came out to play.

Under the Rocket

the rocketjust a quick reminder that mondo beep will be at a new location tonight: under the rocket. this is what the corner of 18th and baltimore looks like in kansas city, mo. the white arrow is pointing to the spot that jerry, laura, and i will occupy from 6-9:30pm. maybe we’ll see you there!

Pancho Villa

pancho villaafter a couple of months off, our little audio series is back in production. the last postcards from home episode was posted back in july, and last night jenny said we need to record another one. here is show #7. if you want to listen to the previous shows, go here. hey go check your mailbox because this postcard might be coming to you!

Yet More Mondo Beep

me and jerry 2another month has gone by and it’s time for mondo beep again! jerry ponzer and i met yesterday to test drive a few instruments before we take them to the sidewalk tomorrow night. when we turned everything on and started pushing buttons and keys and twisting knobs, it actually sounded like music… i know, i know… what’s up with that? we’ll be set up on 18th street just east of baltimore under the TWA rocket (it’s a block east of the old location). come by tomorrow night after 5pm and you’ll see what i mean.

Vinyl Discoveries

robbins_marty_all_time-hitsi picked up a collection of marty robbins’ songs this week from my local record store, vinyl renaissance. this double album has two of my faves: el paso and big iron. i also found out how to play a record with cardboard and a needle:

One Busy Week

exhausted clerkthere weren’t any blog entries this week because i was doing more work than usual @ homer’s while the managers were on vacation: extra grocery runs, filling shifts, fixing wifi issues… and i wasn’t alone. thanks to everyone who helped pick up the slack.

Going Abroad at Home

passportwent to the ethnic enrichment festival yesterday. got my passport punched for 21 countries. i got separated from our group of friends when they were getting food and i was getting my passport punches so i called jenny’s cell phone.
“where are you?” she asked.
“france” i said.
…and then i realized how funny that sounded.

Electro Summit

DCIM101MEDIAjerry ponzer came to the house thursday to go over plans for mondo beep in september. we’ll be moving the spectacle to 18th and baltimore (under the TWA rocket) for more space, better volume, and a longer stay.

Check Check…

is this thing on? just checking to see if my blog post generates a tweet.

The Final Countdowns

bothlast night jenny & i watched the final countdown with kirk douglas and martin sheen. it’s a movie about an aircraft carrier that goes back in time for a few hours right before the japanese bomb pearl harbor. then we watched europe’s music video for their 1986 hit, the final countdown. in the video a bunch of guys from sweden jump around a stage with moussed up hair, while their fans mouth the words to the song.