Smokey and Me

me and smokeyme: aren’t you cold without a shirt on?
smokey: nah. but now that you mention it, i could use a cup of hot cocoa.

Mean Melin

mean_melinthis guy used to be a punk rock DJ across the street from my work, now he is following me on twitter. who is he? he is eric “mean” melin, the 2013 air guitar champion of the world. i should mention that i followed him first.


FBSFBS for beep sake is a channel that i started last week. jerry ponzer and i will be jamming live tomorrow morning on FBS from my living room starting around 9:30am. if you like old arcade sounds and electronic chaos then you won’t want to miss it… but if you do miss it, we’ll record it for you.

Streaming Live Mondo Beep

FBSit’s first friday. we’ve been doing mondo beep for two years now. however it’s waaaay too cold to do drag the gadgets out to the sidewalk. that’s why we’re going to ian’s house to stream the whole thing live tonight starting around 7:45 pm. we created a channel for this occasion and called it FBS for beep sake. you can click on the link now to sit through a 43 minute jam that jerry ponzer and i recorded yesterday (although the beeps don’t really start until you get 9 minutes in), then click on it again tonight for a live stream of mondo beep. oh, and viewers will be able to post comments as the show streams.

An Unhappy Business

pastornatean unhappy business was the title of my pastor’s sermon one sunday in november. in this sermon he talks about the truth of prophecy, the traditional church model, and changing times for christians. you can listen to it here. this is the same pastor that made a reference to doctor who in a sermon last may.

Retro Thanksgiving Radio

89point3oh man, this is the coolest. it’s easy to get nostalgic on a major holiday, right? well a radio station in minneapolis is bouncing around the decades each hour for a time machine weekend. right now they are playing songs from 1977. in the last half hour i’ve heard richard hell, fleetwood mac, and ELO. in a couple of minutes they will have an hour of music from 1989. buckle up kids, this ride won’t be over ’til sunday night.

Google Who

google doctor whoon saturday google celebrated 50 years of doctor who with a game where you can travel in the TARDIS, flip switches, and get carried off by a pterodactyl. i got past the daleks and cybermen and finished it in a little over 30 minutes. this is the screen you see at the end of the game (pictured above), and this is the music that google plays when you’re done.

1984 Shower Peep

shower peep 1984a classmate found this cartoon that i drew almost 30 years ago. i think she was writing an article for our school paper. we were both on the staff.  ironically i did NOT go on the senior trip. however, i did go back to 1984 this morning to watch electric dreams on youtube.

Dead Mall Tourists

metcalf-south-05metcalf south has been a dead mall for over 10 years now. jenny & i checked in last night to see what places were still in business. we remember when it was full of shoppers in the 80′s. the only places that the public can shop now are macy’s, sears, and topsy’s popcorn. movie goers can also go the glenwood arts theater there. most of the foot traffic, however, comes from old people who keep in shape walking the mall. it’s cheaper than a gym membership.

Spaceballs Baby

backwards babyi was teaching CPR to 16 students last night. one of the exercises is back slaps and chest thrusts on an infant mannequin to remove a choking item. during that exercise one of the infants’ head came off, and when i put it on the table to begin compressions and breaths (CPR) the head was on backwards. i didn’t notice what had happened until one of the students started snickering. i thought of that scene from spaceballs where mel brooks can actually look down and see his own butt is because his head is on backwards.