The Jingle in My Head

“nice” or “niiiiice” is the word that everybody uses now. Bob – “how was your trip?” Phil - “it rained the whole time.” Bob – “nice.” it doesn’t matter if someone has good fortune or bad luck, they get the same response. it’s like everyone’s original thoughts and emotions were sucked out of them like a scene from invasion of the body snatchers. i don’t say “nice” anymore, but there are telltale signs of my own brainwashing… i still hum commercial jingles that were drilled into my head 30 years ago.

Eddie Lives

when i was making a list of things to buy at sam’s this morning, kelly dooley saw that i was wearing an eddie delahunt t-shirt. found out she knows him too. at the end of my shift, john eddy dropped in to do some work on his laptop. and then after dinner christy and josh came over to watch eddie and the cruisers. after the movie we sent them home with a cucumber. eddie lives.

Rob Guy Goes to Germany

rob guy works with me at homer’s. he flew to germany over the weekend to spend a few weeks there… the lucky stiff. fortunately he’s taking plenty of pics so the rest of us can photoshop ourselves into each shot, pretend that we’re in the land of sauerkraut and schnitzel, and live vicariously through him. click on the images below to make them bigger.

Kid Beliefs

we’re getting ready to drive to joplin and visit my family. we know it’s going to be a sobering event. the following link must be a subconscious effort to offset it. i couldn’t stop laughing at the common beliefs section of, a collection of misunderstood things some of us believed when we were children.

Right On Lefty!

once i had a temp job entering data on a 10-key punch pad. it was my first time doing that, so when my right hand started cramping, i switched to my left. it was slightly slower going, but i made progress. it’s the only thing i’m ambidextrous at. left-handed people fascinate me. lester estelle is a left-handed guitarist who plays regularly at homer’s. other guitarists that play their guitars upside-down (like lester) include: dick dale, bob geldof, and seal.

My Moonlight Job

last night i taught CPR to 14 registered nurses at an allergy clinic. they were eating pizza in the break room when i got there. when the class was over i gave them all certificates, and they gave me their leftover pizza.

Danny & Jess

even though it’s a couple of days after the fact, jenny & i attended one of the coolest weddings ever: it was in lois wetzel’s backyard, empty picture frames hung from the trees, and there was alternative icelandic music. danny williams and jessica worsham tied the knot last sunday, and we were two of the privileged few to witness it. thanks again mr. and mrs. williams.


me and dad at my grandfather's grave

my dad lives in el paso. he called this morning. anytime the phone rings on a sunday morning i know it’s probably him. dad told me that he had been reading my blog into the late hours of last night. some of it even made him laugh. in the 1970′s there was a TV commercial that stressed how important it was to reach out and touch someone. i’m glad that dad is still doing it.

Friday’s Not the Only One

the english language is a funny thing. there are words that were used decades or centuries ago that have vanished or mean something completely different now. no one says “beseech” or “prithee” unless he’s at a renaissance festival, and words like “nice” and “sick” mean just the opposite. TGIF doesn’t just stand for “thank God it’s friday” anymore either. the acronym that most people associate with weekend anticipation has more than one face:

Turfgrass Information File
The Global Institute of Finance and Banking
Transgenic and Gene-Targeting Institutional Facility
Tadpoles Grow Into Frogs

check this out for more TGIF’s. see you on monday.

Wish You Were Home

wouldn’t it be cool if we (the universal “we”) sent and received postcards on a regular basis… ESPECIALLY if we sent them from our own home? you don’t have to be on vacation to see something you never noticed before, be reminded of someone, and write down the words, “wish you were here,” or “wish you were home so we could take pictures of each other next to an easter island head, then go swing on the monkey bars, then play atari and watch freaks and geeks.” yeah.