Who’s That Girl?

lysette anthonyi’m currently reading marc tyler nobleman’s blog, noblemania. this blogger came up with a great idea of finding and interviewing women who were in some recognizable 80′s music videos: signy coleman from huey lewis’ heart and soul video, wish foley from tom petty’s don’t come around here no more, and lysette anthony (above) from brian adams’ summer of ’69. you can also hear nobleman being interviewed (about 20 minutes in) on the latest stuck in the 80′s podcast!

Wonder Twin Powers Reactivate!

crystal2i set up mondo beep @ the pop up art gallery last night for first fridays. jerry ponzer set up a table with keyboards and controllers next to mine. we greeted curious onlookers and explained our individual projects. some of the gallery visitors stayed and jammed with us. it’s been a long time since jerry and i have plugged in something electric just to hear it howl. crystal (that’s her in the pic) even joined in and played hitchcock-ian psycho riffs.

A Beep Here, A Beep There…

carrots at the boulevard with text2last night i was invited to write on the rocket blog! my first entry: beeping at the boulevard recaps what beep goes the weasel* is about, how that project is coming along, and what is on the horizon. hey! on a slightly related note: tomorrow night is first fridays, which means mondo beep will return to the pop up gallery from 6-9pm. mondo beep is a little more reckless and chaotic than BGTW, so bring knee pads and protective eyewear.
*support for this work is provided by a rocket grants project award, a program of the charlotte street foundation and the university of kansas spencer museum of art. funding is provided by the andy warhol foundation for the visual arts.

Beep On The Radio!

csf_final_beep goes the weasel returns to the boulevard tomorrow night @ 9pm! at last saturday’s show we didn’t know it, but someone from KCUR (kansas city’s local NPR affiliate) was at the drive in. after a couple of emails and a phone conversation, it looks like there’s going to be a story about our project on KCUR. thanks maria!

More From Aelita

aelita 2last week i made a post about a project i abandoned when the screenland crossroads theater closed. here is another clip from that project.

More Veggies Go Beep!

Cornucopiait was a great turnout last saturday at the boulevard for beep goes the weasel! we had over 20 veggies wired up for songs like batman, minnie the moocher, and (of course) pop goes the weasel! the shenanigans will resume at the  boulevard drive in sunday, june 27 @ 9pm!

Cool Temps, Warm Fire

morning firei took advantage of the cooler weather this morning (56 degrees) and built a fire in the chimenea. winds are still coming out of the north. i may light up the coleman stove and do this again tomorrow.


Aelitathe screenland crossroads was a fine arts theater and an 80′s arcade. it closed last year with hopes of re-opening near the old kansas city star building. i used to frequent the arcade, and became friends with the managers, bonnie and jason. bonnie was working with me to put music to a silent film about russians traveling to mars. screenland closed before they could show this movie, aelita queen of mars. this is one of the clips i made.

I Bought a Casio

recording with jerryok, i didn’t really buy a casio, that’s just a lyric on a track that i recorded with jerry ponzer last week. jerry came up with a cool instrumental drone, then i stacked the vocal tracks and put a couple of surprises at the end.

One Thing Leads to Another

thedoctorsjenny & i were listening to casey kasem’s american top 40 rebroadcast from june 30, 1984. at that time the thompson twins had a song on the charts, doctor doctor, so casey proceeded to list all the top 40 songs with doctor in the title. ever since the doctor who craze started back up a few years ago, that’s where my mind goes.