Lunch With Alejandro

alejandroi ate a bag of chips with strangers & watched alejandro escovedo rock out yesterday afternoon. the man is in his 60′s, but his opening song had a serious punk edge. the event was part of a reoccurring noontime performance that vinyl renaissance hosts when recording artists are playing in kansas city. escovedo’s band, don antonio is from italy, and they also had an amazing sound. i hit the record button on my smart phone and captured them as they warmed up for the show.

Joined By Legends

textchristy sent me this text tuesday morning, and my reply was “GAAAAHHH!!!” because johnny cascone’s is only 12 blocks from our house. i was sitting at home watching TV while my favorite ghostbuster, bill murray, was right down the street. the good folks at johnny cascone’s posted an autographed menu on facebook.FBmurrays

A Week On The Beach II

jennyonthebeachthe weather was great, but the first couple of days that we stormed the beaches on lake michigan, the water temp was only in the upper 50′s– basically it felt like refrigerator water. we were still determined to wade in it. here’s a video of jenny freezing her feet off.

Magnet Face


A Week On The Beach

beachsilhouettejenny & i went back to lake michigan for the first time in 3 years. there’s even a 2015 state park sticker on her windshield to prove it. on this trip we went 100 miles further up the coast to stay in the village of pentwater & got a room at the channel lane inn. lake michigan’s water temperature was too cold to swim in, but the beaches were sandy (no rocks!), the weather was perfect, the natives were friendly, and it was over too soon.

Christmas In September

tarp and convertermom & jim gave me a lowe’s gift card last christmas, and i finally used it! i bought a tarp and a power converter. the truck bed isn’t 100% weather proof on long roadtrips– but if our travel bags are pushed up against the cab & wrapped in a tarp, everything should stay dry. a power converter is just something everyone should carry on the road.

Doctor’s Orders

lakeshorepathsaw my doctor for an annual check up & she said “find a physical activity that you like, and just do it.” so i drove to lake olathe last friday, and walked on a path that went from the dam to the beach house. the last time i went to this part of the lake, it was only as far as a geocache hidden just off the path. i never made it to the beach house until now. later i went to a pizza place and played pinball.

The Only One

shortylast night i was listening to my favorite podcast like a little kid when i found out i won a book! a few weeks ago the hosts of stuck in the 80′s played a short clip of an old TV show intro. they invited listeners to email the name of the show & then be entered into a drawing to win an autographed copy of 80s redux: your favorite musicians today. i figured out the clip was from AfterMASH, and entered the drawing. when i heard the podcast host say only one person got it right i squealed like a little girl.

Labor Day Soundtrack

WXPN_radio_station_studio-e1469454642191most of the customers i saw yesterday at homer’s were off for labor day. i went into DJ mode & told chloé we should play appropriate songs for the holiday since we still had work. now don’t get me wrong– it was cool that i got to sleep in because the shop opened much later than usual, but work is still work. here’s a song medleyy that echoed our sentiments.

Labor Day

labor-day-posters-4did some reading on the history & origins of labor day. i wasn’t surprised that the holiday we currently observe came out of strikes & riots 124 years ago. it’s surreal that 12 hour work days aren’t a thing of the past… for some folks, the struggle still goes on today.