
capless_headshotPSRI’ve been checking patients in and out of the Urology Clinic at The University of Kansas Health System since May 2021.  Prior to that I was a part time Barista, part time CPR Instructor and a full time Covid-19 Contact Tracer.guitarI also play guitar at my church, draw cartoons, make videos, create art projects, and blog in my spare time. If you love the nostalgia of rotary phones, drive in theaters, miniature golf courses, and dead malls, then you know that the future of yesterday is now! Reach out to me at djcedillo43@gmail.com

12 Responses to About

  1. Dave!

    Don’t know etiquette about replying to blogs, so hope this is okay? No need to reply as I rarely check my email or indulge in personal emails. I just wanted to say I am impressed by the tone, appearance, information, style of the blog/podcast! It’s now in my Mozilla bookmarks & IE Faves. Thank you for the invitation to check it out.

    I also wanted to pass along John Lofflin’s response to my sending him the link to this most excellent website/blog/podcast! I don’t know if he checked it out or not, but thought you’d like to read his reply. Hope you are finding some sunshine to walk on and can put off playing the 80′s music for a little while (though I am intrigued about the playlist).

    Lofflin, John to Judy
    show details 3:39 PM (19 hours ago)

    Thank you very much. I remember him as an excellent student.

    “There is a deep pleasure in sharing the things that you have labored to
    learn in solitude….”

    – David Gessner, NY Times 9/21/08

  2. Deer Mr. Cidillio,

    How pleasure it is to see my love for you write. I am work much time and no to play. Remain in glad place and help all of our blessing to help others.
    Madma Patma

  3. Pingback: The Coffee Review | davidcedillo.com

  4. Hey Dave,

    You may contact me at markc@rtetech.com

  5. Long live dodge darts!

    Viva darts…..viva darts!

  6. You forgot an AWESOME UNCLE! :)

  7. thanks sara!

  8. Dave,
    What’s your schedule for Beep Goes the Weasel this summer at the Boulevard drive-in? I have a friend that’s never experienced Beeping or a drive-in movie. Hoping to make it a double cool evening! Chrisy

  9. Hey Dave nice to see you again today at Homer’s. One day we might get to sit down and eat a meal together, if that sounds god to you, message me a few days/times that work for you. Peace!

  10. WOW Son I’m impressed with all the heartfelt responses. Shows people are looking at your post and enjoying them even if they don’t respond all the time. How do you have the time to do it all?

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