The Dream Goat

brighterGOATHe looks better with a slight cheek bulge.  I didn’t know if the goat was chewing anything when Darla asked me to draw it, but I couldn’t imagine a goat without something in his mouth… but then again I didn’t imagine a goat with a bandana or a billy club either.  One of my sister’s friends dreamed up this image.  He (or she) told Darla about the dream, and she described it to me in a text over the weekend and asked if I could draw a bearded billy goat wearing a bandana and holding a billy club.  I added the “wife beater” tank top for good measure.  Chalk this drawing up as a dream come true.

3 Responses to The Dream Goat

  1. If you could send me a copy I’d frame it. I’ve done frames for the grandkids down here and got practically the whole family.

  2. Gotta ask her about that one. Not a bad looking goat. You still got talent!

  3. Let me have a copy of it and I’ll frame it and send it back.

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