Blue Skies Smilin’ At Me

BLUE SKIESThe Wolf Moon was full last week, and it followed me all the way to work.  I sent a pic to Sara and told her it was an ‘eye in the sky.’  She did a little artwork and made it so.  The following paragraph paints the Wolf Moon in yet another realm:
“The spiritual meaning of the Wolf Moon is about facing our deepest feelings and fears, and stepping up as a fierce protector and nurturer in our own lives. It represents emotional release, self-reflection, and healing. The Wolf Moon also reminds us of the unseen connections to our own “pack” and encourages us to honor our community. In native cultures, the wolf is revered as a creature of strength and wisdom, and the moon is associated with intuition and dreams.”  

3 Responses to Blue Skies Smilin’ At Me

  1. So interesting! Thank you. Pray for our country.

  2. Your blog got my mind to thinking..
    Does the Bible give us the “spiritual” meaning of the wolf moon? Please tell me where it references that so I can read about it.
    I can certainly respect the native cultures revering the wolf as they had to live side by side at times and learned much about nature.
    .It is very interesting to learn about other cultures.
    I am so thankful that I have my God to help me navigate the spiritual, mental and physical needs of my life.
    I love you Son

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