Monthly Archives: January 2025

The Impossible Object

impossible penroseLou Reed once sang “…life’s like space without room… that’s what life’s like without you.”  The Impossible Object also known as the Penrose Triangle feels like a close cousin to the lyrics of What’s Good.  It can’t exist, and yet there it is, even if it’s only in someone else’s imagination… and now it’s in mine like sanskrit read to a pony (another lyric from that song).

Bonfire Snow Punks + Whale

snow fire pinball punks whaleI heard something that sounded like a whale coming from the lobby at work.  Someone was probably dragging something heavy across the floor.  Anyway, I added ‘whale’ to the previous snow punk pinball pic to see if it would put a beached whale in the snow behind him– and it generated MORE PUNKS!!!  And a beached whale… and some guy playing guitar on a loveseat?!?  I need to find this tribe.

Bonfire Snow Punk

snow fire pinball punkWhen I type the words: bonfire, deep snow, pinball, and punk into Google’s AI image generator, it feels like a mental prep for the arctic weather that’s forecast for Sunday.  It feels like I’m welcoming the storm.  It feels like a dream, and it’s ok if I don’t wake up for awhile.

Ahoy 2025

robot moog synth sailboat skyline atariAvast ye mateys!  All hands on deck!  Shiver me timbers!  Those aren’t exactly phrases to be shouted from a sailboat, but I just felt like writing them.  I decided to cast off the moorings of 2024, and set sail into the uncharted waters of 2025.  This is the image that pops up when I enter “robot Moog synth sailboat skyline Atari” into the Google AI Image Generator.  Happy (belated) New Years!